Ministry Of Health Tweeted About The Importance Of Covid Appropriate Behavior As a Prevention Against Covid-19
By Nmami Agarwal 24-Feb 2022 Reading Time: 3 Mins

Covid-19 is a deadly virus which is already spreading through the whole has taken over the masses and their lifestyle.
Covid cases are on a surge, with almost 20,000 fresh cases in the last 24 hours. People often fail to follow the prevention methods and fall prey to Covid-19 infection. It is not something to be taken lightly. We still need to follow the precautions with utmost care and safety.
Here Is The List Of Appropriate Behavior Minirtry Of Health Tweeted As A Prevention Against Covid-19:
- Always Wear A Mask- wearing a mask is like wearing armor against this deadly infectious disease. A mask is a barrier which stops the infectious droplets from spreading from an infected person to a healthy individual. It prevents them from entering a healthy person’s body. You can wear a surgical mask which is made of plastic, but must be disposed of after use. Cloth masks can be reused after properly washing them. Make sure the mask you wear is well-fitted.
- Wash/Sanitise Hands Regularly- we touch unknown objects very frequently like door knobs, windows, table or chairs, and the germs can be transferred easily through these objects to your hands. It is important to wash or sanitise hands properly after you touch any unknown object, before and after you touch your mask and also, before you enter your house. Washing hands after regular intervals will make sure that there are no germs left and you are safe. Also, follow proper procedure of washing or even sanitising your hands.
- Maintain Distancing- the virus can be easily transmitted through air from an infected person to any healthy person. Firstly, avoid going to crowded places until it’s unavoidable. If you are at any public place, then maintain social distance of at least 1 metre. This would protect you from getting exposed to the infectious air as much as possible.
- Get Yourself Fully Vaccinated- vaccines help us get immunised against that particular disease. They prepare the body to fight the infection or virus. The government is already organizing a lot of vaccination drives for the whole country to get fully vaccinated. Make sure you get both the vaccine doses to stay protected.
Over To You:
The only way we can stop the virus from spreading, is by following all the preventive measures. Stay safe and sound.