Omicron: Beware of these Symptoms Shown in Kids Under 5
By Nmami Agarwal 15-Jan 2022 Reading Time: 3 Mins

We have now entered the third year of pandemic. There has been a lot of anxiety among parents as kids under 5 are not yet eligible for Covid-19 vaccine.
While the second wave of Covid-19 was ruled by the Delta variant which did not affect kids much but the third wave dominated by Omicron to a certain extent has hampered kid’s health. Many cases are being reported where kids under 5 have been affected by the virus but showing mild symptoms.
Is there any cause of worry?
Considering that children are yet to be vaccinated, we have to be utmost cautious as the Omicron variant is easily transmissible.
Currently the impact of coronavirus has been similar to that of flu in kids. Since many signs are asymptomatic, it’s quite difficult to identify whether kids are actually infected with the Covid 19-variant.
Symptoms of Covid- 19 in kids:
Though the impact was not much; cold, cough, fever, fatigue, loss of smell & taste were common symptoms of SARS-COV-2 infection in kids. Some kids also developed MIS-C conditions where there was severe inflammation in various organs of the body.
Let’s now look at the Symptoms of Omicron variant in kids:
- Children under 5 develop croup which is a mild infection in the upper respiratory tract that causes breathing issues and a discrete barking sound.
- Some kids might develop persistent fever above 100 degree for 3 consecutive days along with mild chills
- Dry cough and runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Tiredness with muscle pain.
Over to you:
- We have to make sure that kids receive proper care and medication while they are infected.
- Children follow their parents so make sure to wear a mask & follow covid appropriate behavior when outdoors so that you don’t carry infection home.
- Rather than panicking, be in touch with your doctor, mask up, let kids not come in contact with elderly especially those who have comorbidity, keep them in separate rooms, adults must wear masks so that they don’t get infected, keep hygiene & proper ventilation.