Omicron Variant: Here’s How You Can Protect Yourself
By Nmami Agarwal 12-Dec 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Some precautionary steps remain the same as earlier breakouts of the virus, Covid-19, and delta variants. Many people are raising questions about the threat of the new variant and what kind of measures they should take to protect themselves from the virus. Many are questioning the reliability of the earlier vaccinations against the new, evolved variants. It may take some time to fully understand the transmissibility of the virus and the severity of the situation, and there is a lot that might not be under our control, and therefore, we have to individually take precautionary steps against the spread of the variant, here are some tips which might be repetitive or are already being followed but are so important that we need to make sure that we follow them under the circumstances-
– Booster shots and vaccinations
Recently, an announcement was made. Asking them to follow the safety protocols from before, to get vaccinated, and get a booster dose if they are eligible for it. It is quite possible that Omicron might be more transmissible, and therefore might spread at a higher rate than the previous variants, but being vaccinated can still reduce the risk of catching the virus. It has also proved useful in protecting against grave illnesses or even death or hospitalization.
Omicron is said to be carrying mutation sets that might reinfect people, so if you think you have developed immunity against the virus because you have been affected once, you might want to rethink your decision and get vaccinated. If you are already vaccinated, getting a booster after a few months of vaccination can be a way of ensuring personal safety. Age is a factor that affects the efficacy of the vaccination. If you are older, getting a booster can make sure that the effects of the vaccination don’t wear off.
– Know your symptoms, get tested
Winter is the season of cold and flu. You might get confused with the symptoms, therefore getting tested and staying away from the public is the best shot. Make sure you know the symptoms of the Delta variant as well, some basic symptoms are-
– Sore throat
– Headache
– Muscle fatigue
– Cough, cold
– Difficulty breathing
– Diarrhea
– Nausea
– Runny nose
– Loss of taste or smell
These may be very basic, but make sure to not be around people if you show such symptoms. Take PCR tests, when in doubt
– Basics
Don’t lose the masks. Mask recommendations are N95, KN95, which can filter out viral material; it will also help in the prevention of normal sickness. A new concept of smart masking was also introduced. After research, you don’t need to mask everywhere but in spaces where the risk is high.
Until more information is found about the variant, Omicron practices the precautions you already know of it wouldn’t be harmful if not useful.