Paleo-ish Diet Trend- All You Need to Know About It
By Nmami Life Editorial 06-Mar 2021 Reading Time: 6 Mins

The paleo dietary pattern which is intended to remind you of what our ancestors ate thousands of years ago has taken the branches of development and hyped itself in a transformed way of a “Paleo-ish diet.” The paleo-ish diet trend is gaining huge momentum on social sites and if you are wondering if its hype is worth it or not, then you have stumbled upon the right page. Right from paleo to paleo-ish, let us take you closer to this type of diet.
What is the old paleo?
The Paleo-ish diet tracks similar principles as the Paleo diet, which intend to eat in the same way our ancestors might have eaten during the Palaeolithic era. A paleo diet consists of lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds — foods that could be easily available in the past by hunting and gathering. A paleo diet restricts the famous and common food items that came into the frame after the evolution of farming like dairy products, legumes and grains. Basically, the paleo diet is all about the consumption of whole foods and excluding starchy carbs.
Why go against the grains?
Though rice, quinoa, beans and lentils are known as a great source of nutrition back then, the hunters-gatherers won’t have any access to them. These food items are considered toxic because of their tricky protein profile and high carb content and are seen as the reason to disturb the digestive system while giving inflammation in the body. Moreover, these food items require special care and extra efforts of soaking for a long period of time before cooking. The purpose of the paleo diet is to return to eating what early humans ate. The additional staples that have been added to the diet due to the change in farming beat the body’s ability to adapt and this disparity is considered as the huge factor in giving rise to various health complications like obesity, diabetes and heart diseases.
So, what is the problem?
For starters, the paleo diet restricts a lot of food items that could hamper the overall health and well-being. Our body creates an adaptive ability to these food items and directly cutting such huge food groups from our diet can affect the effective functioning of the body. A diverse food choice is extremely vital for the gut microbiome to function healthily, which further affects the overall health and well-being and that is what the major drawback of the paleo diet is.
The paleo-ish diet to the rescue!
Paleo-ish diet is the perfect transformation of the Paleo diet which lays its focus on consuming the best bits (whole foods, naturally raised animals, no refined sugar) and marking some grains or dairy inside, every now and then. A paleo-ish diet helps in arranging your platter in equilibrium. As per the health professionals “A flexible approach to this type of diet will work for many, as not one diet can be perfect for everyone and their insides, so this encourages people to tune into their body and recognise what style of eating and what foods work.” This diet also gives space to some treats and won’t restrict your diet to just fruits or a single food group when all you want is a combination of every food item.
Here are some easy to make treats you can try while following paleo-ish.
- Caprese egg stack
- BBQ platter
- Buddha bowl
- Chia seed pudding
- Sweet potato burgers
The paleo-ish diet is quite simple as compared to the paleo diet. People are going crazy about this new version of the paleo diet and giving it a green go in their lives because of its unrestricted food nature. Get some paleo-ish inspiration from the options we mentioned above!