Post-COVID Guidelines by the Ministry of Health
By Nmami Life Editorial 19-Sep 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

The centre on 13th September issued guidelines for patients recovered from the deadly coronavirus infection. The health ministry advocated participating in group sessions of yoga and meditation while taking all the necessary precautions. A holistic approach for the well-being, like consuming a healthy diet, looking out for support, in the form of counselling, and keeping up with home remedies to boost immunity; were also some of the advice from The Health Ministry.
“It has been observed that after acute Covid-19 illness, recovered patients may continue to report a wide variety of signs and symptoms including fatigue, body ache, cough, sore throat, difficulty in breathing, etc. The recovery period is likely to be longer for patients who suffered from a more severe form of the disease and those with pre-existing illness,” the Health Ministry said.
Read on to find out everything that The post-COVID preventive protocol had:
At an individual level
- It is essential to continue with the preventive measures, such as the use of mask, regular washing of hands, and physical distancing.
- Regular intake of warm water.
- Include immunity-boosting AYUSH medicine, as prescribed by the health practitioner.
- Practising yoga asanas, pranayama(breathwork) and meditation, should be made a part of the day.
- Morning or evening walk, each day till whenever it’s comfortable.
- Having a well-balanced, fresh, nutritious, easy to digest diet.
- Taking enough rest.
- Avoiding to smoke.
- No consumption of alcohol.
- Taking all the prescribed medications regularly, and informing the health care practitioner about including the AYUSH medicine, so as to avoid contradictions.
- If comfortable, taking up the household work and a gradual transition to professional work.
- Self-assessment of health at the home of temperature, blood sugar, blood pressure and pulse oximetry.
- If the throat feels dry, gargle or take steam.
- Keep a watch on warning signs like high temperature, and breathlessness.
At the community level:
- Recovered patients are asked to share their positive experiences using social media or community leaders, busting the myths attached to COVID.
- Seeking support from self-help groups in the rehabilitation process.
- If felt a need for, undergoing therapies for mental wellness.
- Participating in group yoga and meditation sessions, while maintaining a physical distance and proper sanitization.
In a healthcare setting:
- Physical or a telephonic follow-up within 7 days of discharge.
- The ministry advised avoiding poly-therapy, as it may lead to Serious Adverse Events (SAE) or Adverse Effects (AE).
- Individuals who had been home quarantined must visit the health facility if symptoms persist.
AYUSH medicine: usage and dosage;
- Immunity boosting medicine as prescribed by the healthcare professional;
- AYUSH Kwath- 150 ml
- Samshamani vati- twice a day 500 mg
- Giloy powder 1g -3g with lukewarm water for 2 weeks.
- Ashwagandha 500 mg twice a day, for 15 days.
- Amla fruit or amla powder 1-3g each day
- Mulethi powder (for dry cough) 1-3g with lukewarm water, twice a day
- Warm milk with ½tsp turmeric powder
- Gargling with turmeric and salt
- Chyawanprash-1 tsp daily, in the morning, as it will be effective in the post-recovery period.
Over to you.
The post-recovery period can be difficult to deal with. But with proper care, support and attention, that too shall pass. Keeping these detailed guidelines issued by The Union Health Ministry in mind, will not only ease out any confusions but the process too.