Social Media Detox-Unplug the Hi-Tech Devices
By Nmami Life Editorial 29-Sep 2021 Reading Time: 9 Mins

Social media detox is described as a period of time during which a person unplugs himself from using electronic devices such as smartphones and computers. In today’s world, social media detox is seen as the opportunity to reduce stress and focus more on connection with nature.
Social media and its urge
From the very beginning, hi-tech devices purport to serve us. Advancement in technologies and creation of various social media portals is designed for the betterment of lives so that we can control everything in our rushy life. But is social media actually improving our lives? Or have we become slaves to this creation?
Take a small gap from everything and ask yourself when was the last time you spent a full day without checking social media? If sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp suddenly shut down tomorrow, would your heart feel null and depressed? Has social media slowly become a part of your family? Of course! Social media is a good thing but excessive use of good things is absolutely harmful.
Social media is no less than addiction like cocaine or heroin. You’re taking care of yourself and you cannot die from it but check out the quality of your life. Social media addiction is harming your overall life in numerous ways you can’t even see it on the surface.
Detox! Detox! Detox!
Digital detox significantly got a lot of hype. Yes, these detoxes can last for 25 days, 60 days or more. Such detoxes are claimed to be very beneficial for rebooting the engine of your creativity by focussing more on the real world. The internet world has said that people with digital detoxes summed up the whole process by a single word called “relief”. Relief to not be “on”. Relief to save time for themselves. Relief to focus on the positive aspects of life without any comparison. Best of all, creating connections with the real world, without any distractions. Some people even concluded that social media detox is really a game-changer in itself.
Considering the prominent sites on the internet, here are some of the benefits of social media detox. Let’s head towards what the web has to say about it:
- Break the social media comparison: Various studies have proved that almost everyone who is actively engaged on social media, directly or indirectly, end up comparing themselves to the lives of everyone they know and with the passage of time this comparison has transformed into a serious thing and impact self-esteem. For example, if people you know are enjoying and settled down in life but you’re still struggling, you may definitely feel isolated and lonely.
- The feeling of competition will go away: People thought social media networks such as Facebook as a platform to check their momentum and attention to the posts. The likes and comments is a measure of how popular a person is, which can lead you to compete with others and even yourself. This is not healthy and can sometimes cause anxiety and depression. Take a break for a while and see the change yourself!
- Reconnect with the real world: Almost all of us build connections well online but don’t find ourselves comfortable connecting in person. People who spend a lot of time on social media sites feel lonely and isolated in real life. Social media detox makes you cut out from the visual connections due to which you force yourself to connect as a person. Yep! It would be difficult first but soon you will be able to reconnect with the real world.
- Improve your overall mood: Studies have shown that spending time on social media will make you feel depressed by making you compare your life with others. You will feel highly anxious or stressed by the active usage of social media. Take a social media detox and it will definitely make you improve your overall mood by giving you more time with yourself.
- Saves you free time for yourself: Do you feel like you don’t have time to sort things in your life? Various studies have suggested that stopping the use of social media will help a person save almost 2 hours daily, during which you can devote your energy to improve your life.
Let’s peep in what the real world says about it
We have interviewed one of our team members who were on a social media detox for 1 month and she summed up the conclusion by saying yes! It relaxed me! A lot! With a lot of work stress and everyday routine, she was feeling some sort of high negativity and tension in her life and one day she finally decided to give it a shot. She acknowledges the fact that the day one was very grinding and troublesome but difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations”. For those 30 days, she only checked her WhatsApp once a day and stopped using every social media platform upon waking up and going down to bed. She replied to messages only when absolutely urgent. She unplugged herself from every sort of channel including YouTube and Instagram. “She said everything was quite good and satisfied; less usage of social media will make me feel less anxious and ultimately increase my productivity at work. I slept well every night and woke up with positive notes. I will be able to produce more time for myself and use that time for reading books, doing physical activities and invest my time accordingly in doing things I adore”.
Flourishing social media is really helpful- she said! She admits it was difficult to convince myself to trust the process in the initial phase but no matter “what counts above all is the courage to take on the odds and the will to grow”.