Tahira Kashyap Motivate Her Fans to Regain Fitness at Home With these Exercises
By Nmami Life Editorial 01-Feb 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Tahira Kashyap took on Instagram to show her followers that it’s never too late to start a healthy lifestyle. She uploaded videos of her exercising at the comfort of her home and encourages her followers to do the same. She quotes, “Chalo gets moving with me.” The purpose of these videos is to give a message to start exercising at home and lead a healthy lifestyle. She also encourages to get rid of the excuses such as mid-week blues and focus on moving their body. This is especially important during these times because still lots of gyms and fitness centers are locked due to the COVID-19.
Tahira Kashyap’s Instagram post for fitness.
Tahira shared 2 videos of her exercising in a personally designed circuit and encouraged her followers to do the same. She admitted to giving lots of excuses to postpone working out such as gyms closure, coronavirus, surgeries, etc. But now she is determined to return to her health routine and be fitter than before, Healthier than before, and in general happier than before. Tahira mentioned all the excuses that we may use to Avoid working out and enjoy the warm comfort of our sofas and beds especially in this winter season, she does so by mentioning her excuses as mentioned above. The purpose was to get her followers to follow a healthy exercise routine amidst this time of no open gyms.
We recommend the same, a few core exercises, mainly involving bodyweight, can be beneficial in the long run. Exercising daily and noticing small progress makes us feel better about ourselves and makes us feel more confident. Tahira did simple body exercises which are beneficial for the muscles that are involved in our day to day activities. Mainly focusing on our core, legs, and buttocks. Incorporating such simple exercises for 10-20 minutes a day may improve our muscles and help us achieve a better and fitter body.
Over to you.
Tahira Kashyap took on social media to share videos of her exercising. The exercises were simple and focused more on the core and legs, the muscle group which is required for day to day activities. She mentioned the excuses we may come up with to Avoid exercising and did that by admitting to making such excuses herself. However, she’s now determined to get her health routine back and encourages her followers to do the same by incorporating simple bodyweight exercises in our day to day lives for 10-20 minutes. We recommend doing the same to ensure a fitter and healthier lifestyle.