There Needs to Be an Alert for Second Wave of Coronavirus
By Nmami Life Editorial 07-Apr 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

As the coronavirus cases in China slow down, various scientists said that close watching and intense measures should be followed to save the world from the second wave of the novel coronavirus. A famous epidemiologist of Hong Kong said: “It’s time to relax the lockdown, but we need to be alert for a potential second wave of infection.” If a second wave comes, they would expect to see it emerge by the end of April, he added.
Seeing the situation all around the world, the second wave of infection remains relatively big and covers large masses creating much more destruction and damage than this. Things that unfold in Hubei, China, have now almost been seized by the entire world, creating panic and disturbances on a global level. As the COVID-19 cases have come to almost null in China, the authorities, last week, allowed to let the people travel inside and outside of the sphere but an early analysis said that the second wave of coronavirus can come and we all should get ready and take preventive measures to stop it from spreading all around the world. If China strict down its lockdown then there might be no noteworthy re-appearance of COVID-19.
However, China is doing extensive testing and busy in outlining the new infections, so that they can prevent it from spreading. But various researchers said that the condition of China has changed as its government took harsh steps and acted aggressively. They not only focus on social-distancing but are also involved in extensive testing and isolating so that not even a single root of basic transmission will remain active. This strategy assists them to break the chain. Other nations like Italy and Spain, are only focussing on reducing the spread of the COVID-19 by the means of social distancing and are not aiming at rigorous testing and contact outlining. That is the reason why fighting the novel coronavirus is more challenging for them.
Second wave
The virus has to struggle a lot in re-establishing itself where 50% to 70% of people have recovered from infection and built immunity. But if it returns back, a lot of people are getting vulnerable to it and due to which it can spread in large masses, leaving more panic and destruction. Close observation and surveillance is the key to save-guard many lives and to abandon the second wave of COVID-19.
Testing and outlining
China is involved in extensive monitoring of COVID-19 and it allots a QR code, to all the residents that show the information of their health and travel when scanned. This way they can keep an eye and measure if the infection is increasing or not. They call it an “advanced form of test and trace” that can tell them and save them from the second wave of coronavirus.
After all that being said, the big question is if the second wave comes, all the preparations are enough to stop this new outbreak? Almost every country is facing huge loss due to COVID-19, how are they going to tackle the second wave of coronavirus? It is important to stay inside to protect yourself and your dear ones from the novel coronavirus.