United Nations Tweeted That Creativity & Innovation Are Needed To Tackle The World’s Biggest Challenges
By Nmami Agarwal 23-Apr 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

From Covid-19 to the global goals and climate action, creativity and innovation are needed to tackle the world’s biggest challenges. Covid-19 is a global health crisis that calls for solidarity and a unified response. There may be no universal understanding of creativity. The concept is open to interpretation from artistic expression to problem-solving in the context of economic, social, and sustainable development. Therefore, the United Nations designated 21 April as World Creativity and Innovation Day to raise awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development.
Even the creative economy has no single definition. It is an evolving concept that builds on the interplay between human creativity and ideas and intellectual property, knowledge, and technology. Essentially it is the knowledge-based economic activities upon which the ‘creative industries are based.
In terms of revenue generation, job creation, and export earnings, the creative economy –which encompasses audiovisual products, design, new media, performing arts, publishing, and visual arts– is a highly transforming sector of the global economy. Culture is a vital component of long-term growth because it provides individuals and communities with a sense of self, innovation, and creativity. Simultaneously, art and culture have a major non-monetary value that contributes to inclusive societal development, as well as intercultural conversation and understanding. Today, the creative industries are one of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy, presenting the fresh potential for poor countries to leapfrog into high-growth fields.
Economic Growth Is Important
According to the 2015 UNESCO publication, Cultural times: The first global map of cultural and creative industries, cultural and creative industries should be included in economic growth policies. These industries are among the most dynamic in the global economy, generating $2.25 billion in revenue and employing 29.5 million people. In this spirit, countries are using the market’s high-growth potential for economic benefits and poverty reduction.
According to a report, the pandemic-related crises resulted in a reduction of US$ 750 billion in Gross Value Added in the cultural and leisure sectors, as well as the loss of 10 million employees by 2020. The study demonstrates that the cultural sector has been hit hard since the outbreak, with support for the development of cultural and leisure programs continuing to dwindle. Sector sales have plummeted by 20 percent to 40 percent in certain countries.
Over To You:
Creativity and innovation are indeed important to tackle the world’s biggest challenges, like the economy, climate change, and of course the virus.