Wellness Trends You Should Definitely Try
By Nmami Agarwal 16-Nov 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

With many people placing importance on their health amidst the pandemic, it is no wonder that health and wellbeing have become a priority, and so there is a rise in trends related to it. With work from home being the staple choice amongst working individuals, focus shifted towards not only mental wellness but also a safer environment and communities. For individuals who are concerned about whether to follow these trends or not, here are some important points about each that might urge you to follow them.
Community Care – A shift has been observed from self-care to community care. Intensive campaigning about wearing a mask, social distancing, no contact policies, regular check-ups, and sanitation has tried to mend up the flaws that are present in our society. It also encouraged us to be more responsible, following the norms set down by the health professionals, and to refrain from many outdoor activities. The effect of such measures will make the people realize that they need to be more involved with matters other than that concerning themselves. It is also proven that community work helps you de-stress very efficiently.
Clean Beauty – People are becoming more conscious of their diet, but even more so for their makeup. The demand for non-toxic, natural, and clean beauty is on the rise. The switching of cosmetic products for a more profound effect affects the mood and mental wellness of people. Being more confident and being on the hype train might come naturally with such choices. Products such as Rosehip oil which promotes natural skin recovery and such are being endorsed by celebrities.
Flexible diet- A flexible diet is a diet in which there is no particular restriction or the need to limit oneself to a particular group of food. In a flexible diet, you can include a wide variety of food items without having to leave out your personal favourites even when weight loss is your goal. Following a fixed diet is often not easy and it requires professional advice to form a diet that is balanced in all its nutrient requirements. Thus, a flexible diet is a perfect diet to boost your overall health and wellness.
Social Media Detox– Having spent most of our time of the lockdown on digital screens and platforms either working or browsing content, the strain it tolled on us is considerable. Mundane multimedia content on social media, television and mobile phones has drained out people and they opted to detox themselves from it. A week, weekend or even a single day performing leisure activities such as basking in the sun, walking, meditating, reading, or following any hobby of yours will help improve your mental wellbeing and functioning.
Immunity Building – The respite periods during the pandemic saw a rise in immune supplements and organic foods. The purchase of multivitamins and organic foods saw a tremendous rise as they promoted the notion of a healthy body, with the media image being that fit individuals were less likely to contact Covid despite no medical explanation backing it up.
With such emerging trends, physical and mental wellness has been brought out on the center stage advocating a better life.
Do try these latest wellness trends to boost your overall health. Do let us know which is your favourite.