WHO Tweeted About How To Prevent Obesity
By Nmami Agarwal 08-Mar 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Obesity is a disease that is impacting most of our body systems like the heart, kidneys, liver, joints, and even the reproductive system. It is caused due to poor lifestyle habits and ignorant behaviour towards food. It also leads to a lot of non-communicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and stroke. Apart from these diseases, it can cause various forms of cancer as well as mental health issues.
According to the WHO stats, more than 1 billion people worldwide are obese of which 650 million are adults, 340 million adolescents and 39 million are children. These numbers are continuously increasing and by 2025, approximately 167 million, adults and children will become less because they are overweight.
WHO Tweeted About 3 Simple Steps To Prevent Obesity:
1- Limit total fat and sugar intake- fat and sugar both can make you obese, so try to consume healthy fats and sugar options and avoid processed products.
2- Increase consumption of fruit, vegetables, pulses, whole grains & nuts- they all bring in a lot of good nutrients with really fewer calories and act as immunity-boosters.
3- Practice regular physical activity- exercising for at least 150 minutes a week for adults and 60 minutes daily for children is a foundation we all can build for a healthy body.
Obesity In Women:
In women, pregnancy can really make them more susceptible to obesity and all the associated diseases. The key to preventing obesity is to act early, ideally before conceiving a baby. Good nutrition in pregnancy, followed by exclusive breastfeeding until the age of 6 months and continued breastfeeding until 2 years and beyond can help prevent obesity in women and is also best for infants and young children.
What Countries Need To Do:
- Countries need to work together to create a better food environment so that everyone can access and afford a healthy diet.
- They must restrict the marketing to children of food and drinks high in fats, sugar and salt.
- Countries should tax sugary drinks.
- Cities and towns need to make space for safe walking, cycling and recreation.
- Schools need to help households to teach children healthy habits from early on.
Over To You:
Obesity can bring a lot of diseases along, it is not just unpleasant to the eyes to look at your body but also unhealthy in many ways. Keeping all the simple steps laid down by WHO in mind, you can make healthier choices and prevent obesity. Additionally, eating balanced meals with controlled portions, and avoiding overeating or bingeing, can be helpful.