WHO Tweeted About Various Vaccine-Preventable Diseases For Children
By Nmami Agarwal 07-Feb 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

The World Health Organisation in their latest tweet said, ‘the world is facing one health crisis, you can help prevent another.’ In simple words, vaccines are preparations that help build immunity against certain diseases. They train the immune system to create antibodies.
Covid-19 scare may be stopping you from getting your child vaccinated but few doses of injection can really save their life from fatal diseases. When the diseases can be prevented then why delay, better safe than sorry, right?
There are many diseases that can be prevented with vaccination, like:
- Polio- it is a contagious disease that can spread through droplets or stools of an infected person leading to polio and even lifelong paralysis.
- Influenza flu- it can spread through coughs or sneezes of an infected person and cause infection in the nose, lungs, and throat.
- Tetanus- it causes muscle stiffness, cramps, breathing problems, and paralysis. A DTap shot can help the child from getting tetanus from soil, puncture, or cuts.
- Hepatitis A&B- they both are liver diseases, and the vaccine is the best option to stay protected.
- Measles- it is a contagious disease that affects the respiratory system, causes fever and rash, and often leads to pneumonia.
- Mumps- it is a contagious disease that spreads through sneezing and coughs. The MMR vaccine can protect the child from fever and swollen glands.
- Diphtheria- the bacteria coat the back of the nose, causing the airway to block. It is contagious and can cause heart failure.
- Rotavirus- it causes serious diarrhea or vomiting which leads to dehydration.
- Cervical cancer- this is the cancer of the cervix and causes bleeding in between periods or after sexual intercourse. The HPV vaccine can help prevent cancer.
- Rabies- it is transmitted through an infected animal’s saliva and symptoms include fever, headache, etc.
- Typhoid- it spreads through contaminated food and water and causes fever, vomiting, and fatigue.
- Pneumonia- the air sacs in the lungs are filled with pus and cause difficulty in breathing, fever, and chills.
When there are options to prevent a disease, we should not be waiting to regret that. The child will continue to grow, even during the pandemic and vaccines are a tool to protect yourself from deadly diseases.
WHO wants you to get your child’s immunization done as soon as possible. When the situations are under control from Covid-19, you can get your child’s vaccination complete but with all the necessary precautions to ensure full safety.
Vaccines are a safe, simple, and effective way to protect your loved ones from the scare of preventable diseases. Make sure you get the vaccination calendar checked.