WHO Tweeted That The Right to Health Is A Human Right
By Nmami Agarwal 25-Jun 2022 Reading Time: 3 Mins

A healthier, fairer, and safer world means everyone, regardless of their migration status, has access to basic services, including health services. The World Health Organisation tweeted that the right to health is a human right.
Everyone, everywhere, at any time, should be able to enjoy the right to health and access high-quality health services that are:
- sensitive to their needs
- appropriate for their culture and needs
- without financial impediment
Connection Between Health and Refugees and Migrants:
Refugees and migrants often face vulnerabilities related to the condition of their journeys such as inadequate access to health services, food and water, sanitation, and other basic services. They may be at risk of noncommunicable and communicable diseases, including vaccine-preventable diseases and food- and waterborne diseases. Access to healthcare and continuity of care is more challenging when people are on the move. Refugee and migrant health are also strongly related to the social determinants of health such as employment, income, education, and housing.
Why Is Refugee and Migrant Health Important:
Global migration is a long-standing phenomenon. It may increase because of conflict, persecution, environmental degradation and climate change, and a profound lack of human security and opportunity. Many people move in the hope of improved employment and life opportunities. The correlation between health and migration is dynamic by nature and complex. Health is strongly related to the social determinants of health, including employment, income, education, and housing. When not properly supported by appropriate intersectoral policies, migration can expose the most vulnerable socioeconomic groups to significant risks.
Addressing the needs of these populations with well-functioning public health and health services responds to the human right to health, protects the health of both migrants and host communities, and contributes to integration and social and economic development. This is because refugees and migrants contribute to the society in which they live, especially when in good health. Access to information, prevention and appropriate care, including diagnostics, treatment and vaccines, is essential for these groups to fulfil their health needs. Furthermore, it ensures security for global public health.
In 2020, WHO established the Health and Migration Programme (PHM) to implement the Global Action Plan at global, regional, and country levels by providing global leadership in health and migration issues.
Over To You:
Regardless of migration status, all refugees and migrants have the right to health and countries should provide refugee and migrant-sensitive health care services.