Winter health tips: 5 foods to prevent cold and flu
By Nmami Agarwal 20-Dec 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

With the onset of winters arrives the seasonal cold & flu. The sudden dip in temperature makes our body skeptical of viruses and thus our immunity needs boosting up.
All we need is to balance our diet with well-planned nutritious food in our daily meals.
Be it ‘dadi maa ke nuske’ which we have been hearing from childhood or exotic fruits & veggies that not only rejuvenates our body but keeps it healthy by preventing us from falling ill, we need to stack up these basic easily available nutritious foods in our kitchen shelves.
Here are 5 foods that can avert cold & flu by strengthening our body’s defense mechanism:
1- Ginger –
The first thing that comes to our mind when we have a cold is ‘Adrak wali chai’ i.e. having hot tea with ginger. Consuming ginger is best for treating & preventing cold & flu. It’s anti-inflammatory & anti-microbial properties help the body in treating inflammation and boosts immunity levels to fight infection.
It can be taken in various forms:
– Crushed ginger with warm water
– Ginger juice with honey
– Ginger in tea
– Keeping ginger balls handy especially while travelling.
Have ginger daily to protect the body from viral infections.
2- Broccoli –
It’s one of the best & healthiest exotic veggie that not only adds taste to your salads & soups but also takes care of your immunity. Enriched with Vitamin C, E, fiber and calcium, this beautiful green veggie helps to improve your appetite and boost immunity levels.
Have this daily in salads or in soup to immune your health.
3-Oranges –
One fruit that comes in abundance during winter is orange. Surely, it’s nature’s way of helping humans deal with cold & flu! Endowed with vitamin C & folic acid it makes you feel better & refreshed. Citrus fruits are known for their immunity boosting benefits. However, do not have oranges especially when you have a sore throat.
It’s best when eaten raw rather than having it in juice form. Eat one orange daily to nourish your body.
4- Honey-
During childhood we all have taken honey during cold due to its soothing properties. Taken in our daily diet, honey proves more powerful in reducing the symptoms associated with cold & flu. Its antimicrobial properties make it effective in reducing the chances of respiratory tract infections.
Though it’s harmless when taken by adults, children who are below one year old are not advised to have honey.
It can be taken in various ways:
– With pinch of turmeric
– In warm water along with ginger
– Spoon of honey with pinch of crushed black pepper
– In green tea/black coffee
– Spread in little quantity over fruits
– With toast
5-Turmeric –
This yellow spice is a great source to reduce inflammation in our body and keeps our immunity at its best potential. It’s anti-viral & anti-bacterial properties help us fight infection in our body. It has curcumin which is a powerful antioxidant that boosts our resistance levels.
Its best when taken
Add these foods to your daily diet to improve your health and enjoy the cool breezy
– In liquid form in warm milk
– With honey
– In warm water
– Adding a little extra turmeric in every food you eat.