#YogaForAll: Follow This Yoga Advisory Developed By Experts To Boost Immunity, Health, And Mental Strength
By Nmami Agarwal 03-Feb 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Yoga is not only a physical exercise to improve strength and lose weight but it gives you a deeper level of understanding of yourself. It empowers the body, mind, and soul, and makes you stronger physically and emotionally.
Yogasanas are exercises of different parts of the body and mind which give you an overall state of well-being and uplift your quality of life.
Some Of The Yogasanas That You Can Practice Daily For Boosting Immunity, Health, And Mental Strenght:
- Sukshma Vyayama- is a yoga practice that includes joint movements. It helps in relieving energy blockages, improving joint movement, improving concentration, helping loosen the stiff body, and boosting immunity and energy.
- Standing Postures- these include Vrikshasana(The Tree Pose), Trikonasana( The Triangle Pose), Padahastasana (The Forward Bend), Parsvottanasana(Thr Side Stretch), Chakrasana (The Wheel Pose), Supta Vajrasana (The Diamond Pose). These asanas can really help stretch the muscles, build immunity, strength, boost agility and eliminate stress and anxiety.
- Sitting Postures- being quarantined can affect your mobility but doing sitting asanas can provide flexibility and a good stretch to the hips, knees, ankles, and groin. They increase the stability of the body. Some of the many sitting postures are- Kukkudasana(The Fowl Pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana(The Spinal Twist), Padmasana (The Lotus Pose).
- Prone Postures- these postures can help loosen up the back muscles and increase its strenght. The flexibility in the hamstring muscles, shoulders, and chest can also be improved. These postures include Adho Mukha Mandukasana(Downward-Facing Dog), Makarasana(Crocodile), Bhujasana(Cobra), Shalabasana (Locust), etc.
- Kriyas- practicing Kriyas can increase calmness, mental stability, level of emotions, the balance of the body, and bring more consciousness and energy to the mind.
- Pranayama- includes various breathing techniques or exercises, which are practiced with full concentration and closed eyes. While quarantined, Pranayama can help strengthen your lungs and boost overall immunity. You can practice Sukhasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana, Padmasana while doing Pranayama for a deeper level of breathing.
- Dhyana- meditation is very important for the mind, it is like an exercise for the mind to boost mental health. It gives the body a state of calmness, relaxation, positivity, mindfulness and strengthens the connection between mind and body.
- Supine Postures- they are known to be helpful for those with anxiety and lack of sleep. They help release stress, give strength to your spine, and promote flexibility. Some of the Supine Postures are Halasana (Plow), Supta Kapotasana (Supine Pigeon), Matsyasana (Fish), Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose).
Practicing these Asanas daily for 30 to 40 minutes will make you a fit individual mentally and physically. You can practice them in the presence of a yoga teacher or even on your own.
#YogaForAll and yoga for overall (well-being). Make these Yoga practices which are developed by experts, a part of your daily routine, and they will surely help you maintain a good immune system, boost physical and mental health.