4 Home-made Energy Drinks to Include in Diet
By Nmami Agarwal 17-Mar 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Energy drinks are the best way to replenish the electrolytes balance in the body. It also helps you feel upbeat. Even so, you do not have to choose chemical, caffeine and sugar-loaded beverages available in the market. A quick search about their nutritional value will inform how bad they are for your health.
Alternatively, why not make energy drinks at home from regular kitchen ingredients that you can easily find in your fridge or store cupboard? Fruits, veggies, together can all be turned into excellent energy drinks, both healthy and delicious. Thus, everything our body needs is already present in nature.
Here are 4 interesting ways to make natural energy drinks at home.
- Citrus Coconut Energy Drink: Coconut water has enough nutrients to swan through the energy-drink bar by itself. Lot of athletes swear by it, and always keep a bottle handy during and after workouts. Lucky enough to live in a country where coconut water is plentiful and available right at our doorstep. For this drink, all it takes, mix honey and lime juice in a tall glass, and blend until you dissolve all the honey fully. Then, stir in the coconut water, and drink.
- Banana Buster: Bananas and coconut water are both packed with potassium, so when you put the two together, you get a powerhouse of a drink. This energizing drink includes bananas, which are rich in potassium and provide the body with available energy, coconut water and chia seeds, which contain antioxidants and high-quality protein. Blend the whole thing in the mixer and drink.
- Ginger and Cinnamon: Want a no-caffeine and no-sugar drink to wake you up and fill you with energy? Try this ginger and cardamom energy drink. Ginger that increases circulation and kickstarts the metabolism, while turmeric raises energy levels. Cardamom is centred with boosting energy levels and improving circulation. Cut 1-2 thin slices of peeled ginger in your cup and juice ½ inch of fresh ginger root in it. Add ¼ tsp ground cardamom and ¼ tsp turmeric powder in the mug and fill it with hot water.
- Beet and Berry Juice: Beet juice has some rather astounding benefits when it comes to both mental and physical performance. So, if you’re looking for a way to include this superfood in your diet, the following recipe is ideal for you. Add in some berries into beet juice with a dash of lime juice (rich in Vitamin C that will greatly contribute to health), blend the mixture until it is smooth and enjoy it.
Over to you:
With this, now that you know how to make a homemade energy drink, you have no reason to reach for branded alternatives. Creating a beverage that’s packed with superfood ingredients and bursting with vitamins is certain to be a good move when it comes to providing that energy boost.