5 Easy Exercises to Improve your Lung Power
By Nmami Agarwal 19-Oct 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

The very first thing we do since we are born is breathing! Breathing provides oxygen to every cell in the body through the lungs and expels out waste carbon dioxide. However, we usually take our lung functions and breathing for granted and we don’t consider the importance of our lungs unless we experience any breathing problems. With time as we age, our lung capacity and its functions decrease. Smoking, pollution, and other health problems such as asthma can make it even worse.
Here are 4 easy exercises to improve your lung health along with its functional capacity that you can do at your convenience:
- Simhasan or Lion pose: This is a unique pose that requires you to make a sound. The sound created during Simhasana practice resembles the roaring sound of a lion. Firstly, sit in a comfortable position and cross your ankles. Keep your palms ahead of your knees with your fingers spread wide and inhale deeply through your nose and keep your eyes wide open. At the same time, you have to open your mouth and stick out your tongue, bringing the tip down towards your chin. Now, feel the breath passing through it, as you exhale out through your mouth by making a long ‘ha’ sound. Do this exercise 2 to 3 times a day and see how beneficial it is for your lungs.
- Anulom vilom: Sit in a crossed-legged position and inhale your first breath through the left nostril while closing your right one with your thumb. This is called anuloma. Then, you have to exhale through the right nostril while closing the left nostril. This is called viloma. Again inhale through the right nostril and keep on doing for sometime. Remember the ratio of inspiration to expiration should be 1:2.
- Laughing and Singing: Any activity that works the abdominal muscles also works well for the lungs. Both laughing and singing can do that. Laughing increases your lung capacity but also forces stale air out of the lungs so that more fresh air can enter. Similarly, singing works the diaphragm muscle which also helps increasing the lung capacity.
- Belly breathing: Deep breathing improves lung function by using the diaphragm. Lie down straight and relax your body. Put your hands lightly on your belly. Inhale through the nose and make sure that your stomach is moving outward while your chest is not moving. Then, exhale slowly for a few seconds and your stomach should move inwards. Repeat these a few more times to improve your lung function.
- The balloon exercise: Blowing up a balloon can do wonders for your lungs. You can practice this easy exercise by blowing up a certain number of balloons each day. This exercise allows your lungs to take in oxygen during inhalation and expel carbon dioxide as you exhale. When plenty of oxygen is available, your muscles will equip themselves with more energy reserves that will increase your lung endurance and amplify its capacity.
Over to you:
Lung exercises work well at improving your overall lung health but if you have a chronic lung disease, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting an exercise regimen. Also, exercise never gives overnight results so expect to see positive results over time and not all in one go.