5 Effective Strategies to Fight Against Colorectal Cancer
By Nmami Agarwal 01-Mar 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

March is the month of Colorectal Cancer Awareness. Colorectal cancer (CRC or Colon cancer) is a type of cancer that occurs in the colon or large intestine or rectum. It is caused due to the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells that spread across other parts of the body. Commonly, colorectal cancer is caused due to uneven lifestyle factors such as bad diet, overconsumption of smoking or alcohol and lack of physical activity.
Colorectal cancer can also be hereditary.
The signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer include constipation, blood in the stool, nausea or vomiting, loss of appetite and weight and abdominal discomforts like cramps and flatulence. Treatment of this cancer can vary depending upon the stages of cancer, early-stages of colorectal cancers can be treated through surgery while later stages could involve treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Here are some effective lifestyle modification strategies that can help you in your fight against this serious disease.
Limit alcohol and smoking: Consumption of heavy alcohol, indulging in smoking habits are identified as the major cause of colorectal cancer. Various doctors suggest that keeping an eye on the consumption of alcohol and smoking can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. High alcohol intake increases the risk of developing polyps in the colon which further turn into colon cancer.
Aim for a healthy sleep: Various researches suggest that people who take good quality of sleep for 6-8 hours have the risk factor of colorectal cancer reduced by 50% as compared to those who have uneven sleeping hours and patterns. Furthermore, an inadequate pattern of sleeping also results in various health risks like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
Manage a healthy weight: Eating a well-balanced diet and ensuring a healthy weight is essential to minimise the risk of colorectal cancer. Exercise helps in keeping you away from various types of diseases while giving you a healthy body. You can add various exercises like aerobics, yoga, and meditation in your lifestyle for effective results.
Manage stress: Managing stress can take you away from various illnesses and diseases like cancer. If you are under stress, certain stress hormones are released from the body and can directly increase blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar levels in the body which further cause cancer and heart diseases. So, try to combat your levels of stress by practising yoga and meditation. You can also opt for counselling and talk therapy for effective and instant results.
Plan your diet: Poor nutrition can decrease the body’s ability to fight against infection while taking it closer to various types of cancers and heart diseases. So, eat healthily and incorporate essential nutrients such as Vitamins, minerals, healthy carbs in your diet to minimise the risk of various types of cancers. Dietary fat from processed meats, high fat consumption is the major cause of colorectal cancer. Add various nutrients like antioxidants, fiber and vitamins in your diet to fight off colorectal cancer.
Over to you
A healthy diet and lifestyle can be adopted to help cure the risks of colorectal cancer. Be aware of early signs and symptoms and take the utmost care of yourself by following these strategies.