5 Foods that Can Worsen Joint Pain
By Nmami Agarwal 17-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

If you are a person who deals with joint pains now and then, there are certain foods you should avoid. Joint pain can cause due to many reasons, be it joint inflammation (arthritis) and infections. Joint inflammation (arthritis) has many types under it and can happen by consuming the wrong diet or wrong choice of food. One should consider a proper diet while keeping in mind the position of one’s health. It is rightly said that a healthy eating leads to a healthy life and to live one you have to cut down on consuming food that is bad for your health. Here is the list of 5 foods which you should cut down from your plan to ease the joint pains.
Fried and processed food: Fried and oily food consumed in excess amount is not only bad for your joints but for your overall health. Fried food has so much of calories and unhealthy fats that affect the health in all the bad ways. Talking about processed food which is packed and frozen, is as harmful as fried food. One should pick veggies and fruits over all the packed food.
Alcohol: Alcohol is one of the most harmful things to intake and be it in any amount, leads to worsening of health. Alcohol consumption should be cut down to keep up with good health. Studies show that consumption of alcohol leads to contributes to systemic inflammation by disrupting normal gut functions, leading to body inflammation.
Sugar: Who doesn’t love having desserts and chocolates? And we very well know how hard it is to resist it. You’d find many people who love having sweet snacks but having a large amount of sugar is one main reason leading to diseases. Talking about the joints, sugar is the topmost reason for the inflammation in the joints. One should try and cut down on the sugar intake. Start having less quantity of sugar while having tea and coffee, choose fresh fruits over packaged juices.
Salt: Keep a check on the packaged foods you have because many of such contain excessive salt. Try to have food with fewer spices. It will lead to better digestion and an easy living. Consuming excessive salt may lead to inflammation in joints because Salt can cause cells to attract water, which could aggravate arthritis.
MSG: MSG, or Mono-sodium glutamate, is a flavor-enhancing food additive usually founding Asian foods and soy sauce, but it may also be in junk foods, prepared soups and soup mixes. Some salad dressings may also contain the chemical. Eating this can inflame your joints as it is able to trigger pathways of chronic inflammation.
Over To You
To ease out joint pains and inflammation, include foods like Omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts and seeds, turmeric, fiber rich foods, green leafy vegetables and vitamin C rich foods like oranges, amla, kiwi, papaya.