5 Gluten-Free Foods that are Super Healthy
By Nmami Agarwal 06-Oct 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, which gives food it’s chewy texture. Although gluten isn’t a problem for the masses, some might be intolerant to it. However, in recent times there is an ever-growing emphasis being placed on a gluten-free diet. They have negative health impacts like being addictive, triggering some autoimmune diseases, or sustaining mental disorders. Hence, while trying to make a switch towards the gluten-free diet, including the following options to achieve optimum health.
- Sorghum:
- Buckwheat:
- Quinoa:
- Amaranth:
- Oats:
Sorghum contains beneficial plant compounds that act as antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress and lowers your risk of developing a chronic disease. It is also rich in fibre that aids in slow absorption of sugar to keep your blood sugar levels steady. There are multiple ways in which you can include sorghum, in your muffins, in chapatis or in soups.
Buckwheat, also, has a lot of antioxidants. Including it in your diet can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, as it promotes good cholesterol. Manganese, found in abundance in buckwheat is essential for a healthy metabolism. This gluten-free grain also, has a well-balanced amino acid profile, hence making it a high-quality protein.
Quinoa is one of the most popular foods in the world. It is high in protein and contains all the nine essential amino acids. It is high in fibre, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, vitamin-E, and phosphorus. Being a rich source of fibre, it helps in constipation, controlling blood sugar levels, and maintaining a healthy weight. Brownie points for being great for digestion too.
Amaranth has been a staple food of India for long now. It is a versatile grain and has compounds that block inflammation. It has high amounts of fibre that reduces several heart disease risk factors. Amaranth also is high in protein. One cup or 246 grams of cooked amaranth has 9 grams of protein and 29% of your daily iron requirements. It also contains good amounts of magnesium(needed for making protein, bone and DNA), phosphorus(important for bone health), and manganese(protects against neurological conditions).
The nutrient composition of oats is a well-balanced one. They are a rich source of carbs and fibre. One cup or 78 grams of oats has 191% of the daily requirement of manganese, 13 grams of protein, 41% of phosphorus, and 20% of zinc. They are rich in antioxidants, especially avenanthramides, which helps in lowering the blood pressure by increasing the production of nitric acid. Having oatmeal in the morning as breakfast is a very filling option when trying to lose weight.
Over to you
There are various gluten-free grain options to choose from. Also, it is important to check labels when buying packaged foods as they may contain gluten in some proportions. So, in order to be successful in a gluten-free diet, double-checking the labels and being inventive with the grain options is a must. Nonetheless, having more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains, with minimally processed foods is invincible.