5 Tips to Abide By While Prepping Meals to Minimise Nutrient Loss
By Nmami Agarwal 10-Feb 2022 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Food that is cooked like fruits, vegetables and grains lose nutrients they contain after going through high temperatures which denature the constituent nutrient components.
However, it is necessary to eat cooked food so that our body can digest it easily and avoid any pathogen infection & infestation.
In some cases, the nutrient quantity is not affected and the cooked is equally beneficial, however, such cannot be said for the major food products.
Hence to maintain a balance between nutrient content and likewise easy absorption of the nutrients in our body, these are some tips to abide by while prepping meals –
1- Avoiding air exposure of fruits, meat, and vegetables – It is found that fruits, vegetables when in contact with air lose their essential vitamins in particular vitamins like B, A, C, E, and K.
To minimize this loss fruits and vegetables should be cut and added last to the dish, to avoid peeling them wherever possible.
It is also said the piece should be cut bigger and not finely to avoid exposing surface area and hence the loss is small. Air-tight containers should be used for storing if required.
2- Avoid cooking in boiling water – Food cooked in boiling water has significant nutrient losses of nearly 25 percent of their whole nutrient content and such the food prepared is the highly undervalued source of nutrients.
Similarly, food that is soaked for long or food that needs vigorous washing also loses its nutrients in heavy quantities.
Washing and soaking grains like rice also cause vitamin and mineral loss. To prevent such losses, it is advised to use cooking techniques such as stir-frying, pressure cooking, and microwaving.
For items that require water, it is necessary to follow the cooking guidelines and use the adequate amount necessary to prevent nutrient loss.
3- Avoid or look for means that alter acidity and alkalinity of food – Food items such as spinach and other green vegetables require the assistance of baking soda which helps maintain the color but reduces vitamin C and thiamine content.
Similarly, acidic preservatives and emulsifiers that add flavor should be controlled as they change the acidity of the food. It is necessary to avoid agents that reduce cooking time by altering the pH of food.
4- Have your fruits and vegetables with peels – The skin of most fruits and vegetables contains substantial nutrients and fiber.
It is thus advised that whichever fruit does not require the removal of their peel be eaten with it. The fruits which have seeds as their edible part should be eaten after peeling.
5- Following a set cooking time – The food may lose major proteins if cooked for long periods. It is necessary to find the just-right timing for all major food items and to follow it. This will help maintain nutrient levels in the dish.
It makes a major difference when you prepare food in a certain way. The whole idea of eating healthy will drain off if the food is cooked in a wrong way. Following the above steps will surely help you absorb more nutrients out of your meals.