5 Tips to Make Your Regular Dinner More Healthy
By Nmami Agarwal 18-Jul 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

No matter what time of the day it is, eating healthy meals is quite beneficial for the overall health and well-being. We all try to incorporate lighter meals in dinner but it is also imperative to pay heed towards the nutritional profile of that light meal. Healthy meals during night time can do wonders to your overall health, reduces the risk of certain diseases while making your mornings super energetic and enthusiastic.
Here are 5 tips that will help you in making your regular dinner healthier without adjusting its taste and flavour:
So, abide by these pointers while prepping for your night-time meals and enjoy the punch of good health by just swapping unhealthier ingredients with the healthier ones.
- Make your own salad dressing: Consuming salads in dinner is one of the most famous trends that almost everyone follows these days. Salads are filled with greens and provide essential nutrients that help in the effective functioning of the body while keeping the lifestyle diseases at bay. But filling these nutrients rich salads with store-bought salad dressing can easily hamper the nutritional profile of your meal. Packaged salad dressings are filled with sodium, preservatives, saturated fats and calories that can hamper your goals of healthy eating while taking you close to various health complications. Try to make your own salad dressing at home to enhance the nutrition of your salad. Combine lemon juice, olive oil, minced garlic and salt together for a healthy salad dressing.
- Don’t fill up the soups and stews with heavy creams: A bowl filled with soup or stews are something we all adore! It is rich in various nutrients and fibre and is extremely beneficial for health. But adding heavy creams or cheese in soups or stews filled it with calories and can easily take a toll on your health. Consuming heavy creams in dinner not only leads to weight gain but can also spike up the blood sugar levels and other health complications related to that. Instead of adding these creams use milk, yoghurt and cottage cheese to make your dinner super healthy and nourishing.
- Don’t over add salt and sugar: We can’t resist ourselves from these taste enhancers- salt and sugar! But excess of both contributes to a range of various health ailments like high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol levels, diabetes and even increase the risk of heart diseases. Always keep a tab while adding these ingredients in your meals and try to consume lower quantities of both. You can use double fortified salt and replace your sugar with jaggery, honey or brown sugar to keep yourself in fine fettle.
- Add nuts over you simple sauté greens: The concept of food synergy says that consuming vegetable salad or sautéed greens with a crunch of different types of nuts can help in absorbing the maximum nutrients. Nuts are rich in healthy fats and it helps in absorbing the maximum quantities of Vitamin E, A, K and other fat soluble vitamins from the veggies.
- Choose healthy oils for cooking: Using healthy cooking oil to cook your foods is the key to make your meal wholesome. Refined cooking oils are filled with bad fats and can easily spike up your cholesterol levels while increasing the risk of various heart diseases as well. You can use coconut oil, olive oil, sunflower oil or mustard oil to healthily cook your food and to get the essential fatty acids with the thousands of health benefits.
Over to you
Try to incorporate these tips to ensure a wholesome night meal with plenty of other health benefits. Do let us know what else you do to make your meals nourishing and nutrient rich.