5 Tips to Shape up Your Summer Health
By Nmami Agarwal 04-Apr 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Parties, beaches, barbeque, drinking, and summers is all about fun and brings a chance of losing control and gaining weight. Maintaining a fit and summer body will also help you develop healthy habits.
Eat light
Concentrate on eating mindfully and keeping a check on the amount of calories. Make an effort to not overeat and have small frequent meals. Eating light doesn’t mean you can eat small meals and not care about what you are eating. Eat light and right go hand in hand. Also, make sure to not go hungry or starve yourself.
Track your calories
Your inputs should not go waste and it can only happen when you keep a track of your food intake and calories in it. You don’t have to mathematically calculate every meal you intake for calories, just be mindful and control the portion size. Every food item or bite that goes into your body matters. To lose weight, it’s significant to know what food has added how many calories to your body and this can also be done by maintaining a food diary.
Limit alcohol intake
It feels great to enjoy alcoholic beverages in summer time and makes you feel refreshed but remember it will also add on to body weight. Since alcohol is filled with empty calories and loaded with sugar, keep in mind to limit the alcohol intake.
Hydrate yourself
Spending time in the sun could leave you dehydrated and if planning to have alcohol, it could worsen the situation. Keeping your body hydrated will help your heart pump blood easily and sipping on other liquids frequently will help you stay hydrated. Moreover, having variety will also keep your weight in control and add a variety to your diet.
Remind yourself to not reward yourself often
Often rewarding yourself can lead to weight gain and even more that you might have not even lost. Avoid rewarding yourself with food, you could go for watching your favourite show more or sleeping early or hanging out with friends. A dose of double dessert could give you happiness but could waste all your efforts.
Over to you
Getting into shape should not be a burden for you. It should inspire you to get better and work harder for your body. It’s not one season but you should keep working on being fit throughout the year. Take care of yourself and keep working on your body.