6 Noticeable Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiencies
By Nmami Agarwal 20-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Vitamins play a very important role in the functioning of the body. Deficiency of vitamin is caused due to inadequate intake of nutrients which are essential to lead a healthy life. The body needs adequate vitamins and minerals to function properly and lesser intake of necessary nutrients leads to diseases. Most commonly vitamins that tend to be missing among most of the population are Vitamin D, various B vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin C. Getting enough of all the nutrients is highly important for the bones to stay strong and for the body to function decently. If your body is deficient of certain vitamins, here are some noticeable symptoms that will occur during the deficiency:
Fatigue: If your body is deficient of certain vitamins like Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12, you’ll tend to feel the lack of energy all the time. It will be tiring for you to work and weakness will prevail in the body. Fatigue is usually caused due to lack of important vitamins in the body. One should always take adequate diet to overcome the deficiency by having food like fruits and vegetables, unprocessed food, whole grains and complex carbs, nuts.
Hair fall: Everybody tends to lose hair in a day but if you find an unusual amount of hair loss, it could be a sign of vitamin deficiency. If your body lacks Vitamin B12, hair loss is ought to happen. B12 deficiency impacts hair quality as this vitamin produces new hair cell and promotes hair growth. One can have a diet that contains eggs, berries, spinach, which will help hair growth. To cope up with B12 deficiency one can add chicken, beef, fish in their respective diet.
Joint Pain: Do you often find yourself in pain? It might be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Weakness in your bones and pains in the joints is caused due to deficiency of Vitamin D. This vitamin is crucial for bone health. Sun is the richest source of Vitamin D, mushroom, egg yolks are rich in Vitamin D as well.
Dry skin: Having dry skin could be a sign that you are lacking vitamins. It could be a symptom of lacking Vitamin D. To get over the lack of Vitamin D, one should have a proper diet that includes salmon, shrimp, egg yolks. One should try and get enough sunlight.
Bleeding gums: Gums tend to weaken and get swollen when the vitamin is deficient in the body. You’ll find your gums bleeding whenever you brush your teeth or floss. Deficiency of Vitamin C and Vitamin K deficiencies can cause the gum to bleed. Have a diet rich in Vitamin C and K like papaya, citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, bell peppers. Apart from the diet, one can take care of the dental procedure they go through every day.
Poor vision: One of the most common symptoms of Vitamin deficiency is poor vision. Vitamin A deficiency causes the cornea to become dry, leading to clouding in front of the eye and vision loss. Get Vitamin A rich foods like sweet potato, black-eyed peas, spinach, carrots.
Over to you
If you find yourself going through any of these symptoms, it is better to get your tests done and find out what your body lacks and provide it with a certain amount of enriched food.