7 Super Concoctions that helps to keep Lungs Healthy
By Nmami Agarwal 18-Oct 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Lungs are pivotal organs that constantly do their work by filtering, protecting, and transforming the air free from any pollutants. People with a compromised respiratory system get triggered easily upon inhaling harmful toxins and pollutants and show immediate symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and watery eyes.
With the increasing pollution levels, all of us need to safeguard our lungs and boost the respiratory system and shield it from harmful pollutants. Thanks to our precious Mother Nature for offering us a rich array of herbs that are effective in battling harmful pollutants and promote the health of the lungs.
We bring you some lung healthy concoctions made up of natural ingredients that will keep your respiratory tract clean and improve your overall health.
- Ginger Turmeric Black pepper concoction: Properties of turmeric can be beneficial for controlling cough, congestion, and cold. Black pepper helps your body absorb curcumin more readily, the active ingredient in turmeric that is known for its health benefits. Along with this, it also boosts immunity by removing the toxins present in the body. Ginger has the power to heal you from nausea as well as reduce congestion.
- Tulsi Cardamom concoction: This powerful drink helps in improving the health of the lungs as well as keeping the digestive system fine. Along with this, its fragrance helps to keep your mind calm and composed. Camphene, cineole, and eugenol present in tulsi help to reduce cold and congestion in the chest and will keep your lungs healthy.
- Cinnamon fennel seeds (saunf) concoction: Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the lungs, lower blood pressure, and control blood sugar levels. According to research, these anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits can especially be beneficial for people with lung cancer before and after treatments. Fennel seeds can soothe cold, cough and they can also loosen mucus in your lungs.
- Clove mint concoction: Believe it or not, a tea that contains cloves can help you kick a respiratory infection. Cloves work as an expectorant, loosening mucus in the throat, so you can cough it up. The anti-bacterial properties of mint can also loosen the mucus in your throat and this concoction would be relieving to your lungs.
- Chamomile cumin concoction: Chamomile is rich in anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, so its extract would be beneficial on the lung tissues. On the other hand, cumin helps in clearing the mucus accumulation and keeps the respiratory tract healthy. Try this concoction to improve your lungs health.
- Mulethi ginger concoction: Both ginger and mulethi are known to provide relief from congestion which is caused due to the common cold. It is claimed that taking mulethi, also known as licorice, regularly helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and boost your lung health due to its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.
- Mullein mint concoction: Mullein is best suited for dry, harsh, hacking coughs, and weak lungs. The flowers of this plant are soothing for the lungs, while the leaves are more astringent and expectorant, helping the lungs to expel unwanted particles that have been inhaled whereas mint helps in breaking up the mucus and inflammation caused by infection. Hence, this tea is perfect to keep your lungs healthy.
Over to you:
The healing properties of these natural remedies are believed to treat common respiratory problems, protect the lungs from harmful toxins and pollutants, improve overall health, and bolster immunity. However, over-consumption should be avoided as it can have adverse health effects.