Chakra Wellness- Know More about Vishuddha
By Nmami Agarwal 28-Oct 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

The fifth Chakra represents our willpower and responsibility, our ability to express ourselves and speak. The throat (Vishuddha) Chakra is represented as a sixteen leafed lotus flower containing an inverted triangle that represents speech and in turn, contains a full moon This Chakra focuses on the energy of true expression, honesty, integrity, and intuition. Physically, this Chakra supports the neck, throat, jaw and teeth while not being able to express oneself can manifest into a sore throat and cold. Blocked energy can cause issues with sinuses or swollen glands.
Location: throat
Element: Akasha
Colour: Blue
A blockage or imbalance in the throat (Vishuddha) Chakra can result in thyroid disorders, thyroid disorders, sore throats, backaches, ear infections, cold hands and feet, chronic diseases and autoimmune disorders, respiratory disorder, hormonal differences, mood changes and persistent infections. The person neither feels fully confident nor has the right words to express and articulate impactfully.
The function of the Throat Chakra is to connect to spirit. Because of its location, it’s often seen as the “bottleneck” of the movement of energy in the body. It sits just before the upper Chakras of the head. Opening the throat Chakra can help align the vision of the person with reality and release the pressure that may affect the heart chakra that is located just below.
Throat Chakra also known as the Kanth Padma or Shodash Dala is related to the element of sound. Sound is propagated into the air through the throat and its vibration can be felt not just in our ears, but also in our whole body. It is a vital instrument of communication and expression.
The Sanskrit name for the Throat Chakra is “Vishudda”, which means “pure” or “purification”.
This Chakra is located between the third and fifth neck vertebra and opens towards the throat. This Chakra corresponds with the thyroid and parathyroid in the endocrine system. This Chakra is not only the centre of communication and speech but also responsible for hearing and listening. The life lesson taught by this throat (Vishuddha) chakra is self-expression and the power of choice.
Foods to feed it with: Blueberries and blackberries keep the throat in good condition and provide antioxidants and fibre to the body. Healing and soothing liquids like coconut water, herbal teas and raw honey and lemon are beneficial. Fruits that grow on trees like plums and pears are also excellent for healing this Chakra.