Diabetes and Food – The Full Guide
By Nmami Agarwal 03-Jul 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels also known as blood sugar levels spike up too high. Glucose in your body is the main source of energy and it is derived from the food that we eat and in return, it gives us energy for daily chores.
Too much sugar in the blood may result in many serious health problems. Chronic diabetes conditions are Type 1 Diabetes which may develop at any age is more common in childhood or adolescence and Type 2 Diabetes which may also develop at any age is more often seen in people older than 40 years.
Pre-diabetes (when blood glucose levels are higher than normal level but less than to be called diabetes) and Gestational diabetes (which is seen in pregnant women) is reversible and can be prevented from developing into diabetes.
How to know if you are at high risk of being diabetic?
- Feeling very thirsty.
- Feeling fatigued very easily.
- Even after eating enough, you feel very hungry.
- Need to urinate very frequently because of increased blood glucose levels.
- Blurred vision due to swelling of eyes.
- Unexpected weight loss despite being hungry very often due to the insulin resistance in the body.
- Irritability is also common.
Eating certain foods while avoiding/limiting the quantities of other foods can prove beneficial for people with diabetes to manage their blood glucose levels.
What to Eat if you are Diabetic?
- A balanced meal is a key to success. Being diabetic does not mean completely depriving someone of certain food items.
- Lots of green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals. and other essential nutrients. Include spinach, cabbage, broccoli, kale because they have high antioxidant content and good starch digesting enzymes.
- Whole grains over refined grains should be chosen as it has good fiber content and low glycemic index which will have less impact on blood sugar levels.
- Foods like- Quinoa, brown rice, whole grain bread, and whole grain pasta are good options.
- Fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which are considered healthy fats. These fats in certain proportions can control the blood sugar levels in diabetic people.
- People with diabetes have a great risk of heart disease or stroke so, it is important to include other healthy fats like walnuts rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
- Fruits in moderation. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals without carbohydrates, so they should be included.
- Sweet potatoes are a great source of fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C and they also do not increase the blood sugar level immediately which is great for diabetic patients.
Foods to be consumed in Restricted Amounts:
- High carbohydrate-rich foods.
- Saturated and Trans fats like chips, biscuits, and other fried foods.
- Aerated drinks such as coke, energy drinks, and certain shakes can increase blood glucose levels.
- Fruits with high glycemic index like pineapple, watermelon, and mango should be taken in moderation as these foods can increase blood glucose levels.
Over to you:
Moderation and a well-balanced meal is the key to control the spike of blood sugar levels with people having Diabetes. Eat healthily and make wise choices to lead a better life.