Feeling Low on Energy – Incorporate these 6 Wonderful Foods in Your Diet
By Nmami Agarwal 14-Mar 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Increasingly long hours of working schedules and busy lifestyle results in draining away all your energy levels while making you feel inactive, lethargic and grumpy. Exhaustion from uneven hours of work can suffer you from sleep disorders which further can become a cause of various diseases.
A less nutritious diet is one of the major causes of less energy. Today we bring you six wonderful foods that boost your levels of energy while taking you away from various diseases. So, add these foods in your diet and beat the low energy levels in no time.
Nuts and seeds: Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and seeds like sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds are a great source of high-quality protein, fibre, omega 3 and healthy monounsaturated fats (healthy fats). Nuts are specifically known for its energy-boosting power with a great punch of nutrition. Apart from this, nuts are fulfilling and only a handful of them make you satiated during long and busy working hours. Add these tiny looking nuts and seeds in your diet to revitalize your energy levels.
Whole grains: Whole grains like quinoa, oatmeal, whole rice, barley, and millet are high in dietary fibre and are well known to boost energy levels. Whole grains are packed with various nutrients Vitamins, minerals (zinc, magnesium, and iron), protein and antioxidants which are important for the smooth functioning of the body. Whole grains can make you feel satiated for a long period of time while enhancing your energy levels. You can add porridge, oatmeal, brown rice to give a great energy punch to yourself.
Banana: Banana is a good source of potassium and fibre which increases the feeling of fullness and energizes you in just a few minutes. Bananas are also rich in magnesium, Vitamins which gives a boost to energy levels that last for hours and makes you feel fuller for long hours. Bananas are considered great to head start your day with much energy and enthusiasm. You can eat a banana as a whole or make a smoothie out of it to give a kick start to your day.
Yoghurt: Yogurt is well known from ages for its significant health benefits. It is great to fuel you with energy. It contains good carbs which further convert in the form of energy by your body. Also, it is packed with a great quantity of protein and Vitamins which aid in digestion and build immunity in your body. You can add seeds in your yoghurt for effective results.
Eggs: Eggs contain essential nutrients such as Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin K, unsaturated fats, and proteins which is essential to boost your energy levels. Incorporating eggs in your diet controls cholesterol and calories in your body. Not only this, but it also provides all the essential nutrients to the body to produce energy in your body. One whole egg contains six grams of protein and only seventy grams of calories, keeping your meal balanced and filling.
Beetroot: As per various researches, beetroot can double the amount of nitrate in the blood and helps in providing oxygen for your body muscles to work and provides you with a lot of energy. Beetroot is a great source of fibre, folate (Vitamin B9), Vitamin C, potassium, iron, manganese and nitrate. You can eat raw beetroot or have it in the form of juice without straining the fibre.
Over to you
Revitalize your energy levels with these energy-boosting foods and slay your day like nothing else. Apart from this, you can also add physical activities like walking, jogging or cycling (at least 30 minutes a day) for great energy levels.