By Nmami Agarwal 19-Jan 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Hormones are chemical messengers that are secreted directly into the blood, which carries them to organs and tissues of the body to exert their functions. There are many types of hormones that act on different aspects of bodily functions and processes. They work slowly, over time, and affect many different processes like growth and development, metabolism, mood, reproductive and sexual health.
Hormones are secreted from the endocrine glands directly into the bloodstream in the body. Some of the major endocrine glands in the body are thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, testes and ovaries. These organs secrete hormones to bring about changes in the body. Even a slight change in these hormone secretions can raise various health concerns.
Hormone imbalances can be tested by conducting simple laboratory tests using bodily fluids such as the blood, urine or saliva. Some of the major diseases like Type 2 diabetes (caused due to inefficiency of pancreas to secrete insulin) or Hypothyroid (caused by decreased secretion of thyroid hormones) clearly illustrates the importance of maintaining hormone balance to achieve optimal health.
Flax seeds
Flaxseed is one of the richest sources of phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring nutrients derived from plants, they are very similar to the female hormone estrogen and are associated with health benefits including a lowered risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, breast cancer, menstrual irregularities and menopausal symptoms like relief from hot flashes. They are also a great source of omega 3 fatty acids and dietary fiber, which helps to lower cholesterol and regulate the digestive tract. You can add the seeds to cereal (hot or cold), use them as a salad topping, or add them to yogurt or smoothies to enhance nutritional value of your meals.
Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are rich in selenium which is an essential trace mineral required for proper functioning of thyroid gland. Selenium is involved in conversion of the thyroxine (T4) to the active form of thyroid hormone, triiodothyronine (T3). Various studies have shown the effect of supplementation with brazil nuts with improvement in thyroid hormone levels. Consumption of at least 1-2 nuts per day for three months can help in increasing serum selenium levels effectively.
Tuna is a good source of Vitamin B6, which is involved in liver function and associated with lowering the amount of estrogen in the body thereby increasing the ratio of progesterone to estrogen. It has been clinically proven to relieve symptoms of PMS such as breast tenderness, tiredness, moodiness, headaches, bloating and fluid retention. It helps to manage fluid retention by assisting in the production of dopamine. Therefore, it is vital for a healthy menstrual cycle. Incorporating foods like Tuna, Salmon, chicken and walnuts into your diet could help boost natural progesterone levels.
Fenugreek seeds
In India, fenugreek seeds have been used as herbal medicine to control blood glucose levels for many years. Fenugreek seeds contain soluble fibre which delays digestion of sugars present in food and do not raise blood glucose levels rapidly. It also contains certain active compounds (alkaloids such as fenugrecin, trigonelline and amino acid hydroxyisoleucine) which have demonstrated to possess hypoglycemic action, and act on pancreas to release insulin respectively.
Spinach contains good amount of magnesium which plays an essential role in production of Testosterone, a male sex hormone. In males, low testosterone has been associated with low libido, lethargy and development of metabolic syndrome. Research has indicated that supplementation with magnesium increases free and total testosterone values in men. So including magnesium rich foods like spinach, kale and other green leafy vegetables may help to keep this hormone level in check.
Over to you
Hormones play an important role in every body function. They are required in specific amounts to maintain optimal health. Even minor imbalances can have a profound effect on your body increasing the risk of developing various health problems including diseases like obesity and diabetes. Consult an expert before starting with any supplementation or making dietary to make the right changes.