Five Reasons Why Home-Cooked Food is the Best Way to Feed on Nutrients
By Nmami Agarwal 03-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Nowadays eating food from outside is quite common. Busy lifestyle and hectic schedules at work gives no time to prepare home food creating partial or absolute dependence on the outside food. Most of the people love eating home cooked food but lack of time and hustle bustle of everyday life doesn’t allow them to do so. Although food from outside looks more delicious and fanciful but nothing can beat the health benefits and nutrition that we get from home cooked food.
So here we bring you five reasons why home cooked food is the best way to feed on nutrients:
Use of healthy ingredients and cooking methods
Foods from outside are HFSS (High in fat, sugar and salt) which can be harmful to your health. Consumption of the outside food for prolonged duration can hamper your health by causing health conditions like obesity, dyslipidaemia, type 2 diabetes and heart related problems. On the contrary home cooked food offers complete control on your ingredients as you can add only those ingredients which you think are beneficial for your health. You have the power to prepare the food by your choice wherein adding low salt, less oil is in your own control. Apart from this, you can also use healthy cooking methods which can enhance the quality of nutrients present in the food. For instance, while preparing food for yourself which involves frying, you can opt for either baking or grilling to maximise the health benefits.
Controls the portion size
Consuming home cooked food helps you keep the quantity and portion size of food in check. For example, when eating from outside there is hardly any control on the portion size as the temptation of finishing the portion, they offer you will be greater than your desire to eat less. You tend to eat more and opt for junk food or unhealthy options when you are out. On the other hand, eating at home will help you eat healthy and that too in controlled portion size.
Balanced diet
Eating home cooked food gives you the liberty to choose a balanced meal for yourself during the day which contain all the five food groups. Eating a well-balanced diet at home with the blend of every food group will help in building immunity as when our diet is high on vitamins and minerals such as Vit C, Zinc, Vit A etc there are less of the chances to catch infections and certain diseases. It’s always said that a healthy body is a home to healthy mind too. Through a balanced diet, our body and mind both remain at peace and adding a mix of nutrients in our diet helps to keep ourselves away from anxiety, depression and so on. So, rather than eating foods that have zero nutritional value, spend a little time at home and prepare a healthy and balanced diet for a longer life.
Hygiene and infections
Eating out more often can be quite dangerous as there is no guarantee of the hygiene practices that have been followed to prepare the particular food item. Furthermore, lack of hygiene can lead to water and food born infections such as cholera, diarrhoea and food poisoning. So, instead of fretting over and feeling discomfort after eating from outside you can depend on home cooked foods which would be clean and germ free. This will further lead to mental satisfaction and peace of mind.
Cultivate healthy eating habits
Home cooked food helps you to cultivate healthy eating habits by consuming foods made using beneficial ingredients. It will help to formulate new habits while eliminating all those snacking and unhealthy drinking which defines your daily routine. Eating at home will help you get acquire daily dose of much needed vitamins and minerals thereby promoting your overall health.
Over to you:
Home cooked food is the best way to feed on to required nutrients with ample benefits. We must understand the very fact that “if we do not eat food like drugs, we will be forced to eat drugs like food one day”. So, do not overlook the advantages and health benefits of eating homemade food if you want to live long and strong.