Foods that Carry Anti-Depressant Properties Naturally
By Nmami Life Editorial 23-Jan 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Do you often feel sad and depressed? One of the great ways to deal with these feelings and combat those depressing vibes is having utterly delicious foods. We bring you a list of various foods that can help the brain to produce mood-boosting chemical serotonin without even hampering your nutritional profile.
Various foods like salmon, eggs, spinach, nuts and many others help in producing the serotonin naturally which further makes the brain more active by levelling up your mood disorders and fight the properties of depression as well. A low level of serotonin in the brain can cause various problems like loss of memory and low mood. Not only this, if have suffered from depression earlier then low levels of serotonin can negatively affect your mind and further well-being.
Here is a list of healthful foods that help in boosting the levels of serotonin and also carry the anti-depressant properties while making your overall well-being hale and hearty.
Chia seeds: Chia seeds have gained much momentum in the recent past. They are packed with various nutrients like amino acids, iron, and B Vitamins that are really good for a healthy brain. Chia seeds also give a boost to cognitive health and ensure optimal neurotransmitter function. They produce the serotonin in the body to enhance good vibes. Due to its richness in omega-3s, it helps in reducing the depression, anxiety, and gives a raise to healthy blood sugar levels.
Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes may look like a boring dish but they are rich in various nutrients which are good for the overall health. Sweet potatoes are rich in carbohydrates that contain L-tryptophan which is a must-have to prevent depression and anxiety. Sweet potatoes reduce high blood sugar levels and help to combat the levels of stress. You can add in your diet but always keep a check on its consumption as binge eating can lead to various problems like obesity.
Broccoli: Broccoli and anti-depressant properties may sound opposite but this humble veggie contains a lot of nutrients that are great for your brain. Broccoli is packed with Vitamin B6, protein, and calcium which are all well known to encourage relaxing and a happy mood. The smell and texture of broccoli can produce feel-good endorphins while reducing the levels of anxiety and insomnia. You can consume a plate full of broccoli every day. You can stir fry it or have it in the salad by sprinkling some seeds on it.
Quinoa: Quinoa is a house for many nutrients and it gives complete protein that is extremely beneficial for the overall health. Quinoa has high mineral content which is important to produce the serotonin in the body. The nutrients found in quinoa slowly release serotonin which results in long-lasting happy mood. You can cook delicious recipes from quinoa by baking it with the whole seed or make a healthy porridge with fresh green veggies.
Turmeric powder: Turmeric is well known from ages for its significant health benefits. Turmeric contains a compound known as curcumin which can lower down the stress and become a great staple to treat depression and worries. You can consume turmeric water every day in the morning for effective results. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that can help in making your body fit and fine.
Above written are some of the effective foods that help you in boosting mood while fighting with the properties of depression, if any. Other than this, you can also add various types of exercises in your lifestyle to give an instant boost to your mood. Physical activeness can produce feel-good endorphins in the body which directly helps in coping up with the pain or levels of stress.