By Nmami Agarwal 30-Dec 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

The new year is approaching and so is yet another new year resolution. With the holiday season knocking at our windows, we all are going to forget all the diet plans. So it’s never too early to think about new year’s resolution. For those of you, who may be looking to tone up and lose those holiday inches, post new year celebrations we have shortlisted 5 dietary guidelines:
- Slow down you eating pace
- Drink water
- Choose baked over fried
- Do not forget your greens
- Maximise with nutrient-packed foods
The pace at which you eat is of immense importance. It influences how much you eat. Your appetite, how much you eat and how full you get is all controlled by hormones, which gives the message to your brain. So eating slowly will help your brain realise that, how much are you eating and eventually you will eat less than full. This slow eating technique will help you maintain a healthy weight for your body.
This is the key to any healthy diet. Drinking water helps you to burn extra calories. Studies have shown that drinking water before food reduces your appetite and calorie intake. It benefits you in losing weight and maintaining weight. An individual must consume 8-10 litres of water daily.
Fried food items have harmful compound build-up which contributes to high cholesterol levels and fat build-up. It is always advisable that you should consume baked instead of fried. For example, instead of eating French fries opt for baked potatoes. Baked items calorie intake is very less and helps you shave off those extra kilos you have gained during this holiday season.
Do not forget your greens! It is the most important aspect of any healthy diet plan. Eat green and leafy vegetables as your starters, as you will consume more of it when you are the hungriest. Vegetables like spinach, lettuce cabbage, all our leafy vegetables. These vegetables slow down the rate at which carbs are absorbed into the bloodstream and may benefit in controlling blood sugar levels.
Give your body the nutrients it needs by eating a variety of nutrient-packed food items. Include food items like whole grains, lean protein, fruits and vegetables. Try and energies with grains. Grains play a vital role in giving your energy. The quickest energy source is generally whole-wheat and brown rice, include them in your diet.
Over to you:
It is the holiday season, and everyone is eager to welcome the new year. Eat up and dig in if you are craving for something delightful, but make sure that you do get back to this healthy dietary plan, that is when you will be enjoying your food and not feel it like a burden.