Here Are 5 Essential Nutrients Women In Their 40s or Above Should Not Miss
By Nmami Agarwal 09-Feb 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

A well-balanced and nutritional diet is a requirement for everybody, but after the age of forty, women go through drastic changes in their bodies, both physically and mentally.
Their metabolism lowers, so does the will and efficiency in working out, therefore it is important that at such an age, an optimal level of nutrients are consumed and the body functions effectively.
Taking your health for granted after a certain age can be quite dangerous since many of the lifestyle problems occur after the age of forty and the risk of developing heart issues, osteoporosis all increase.
Some of the important nutrients for women in their forties and beyond are-
1- Iron
The importance of iron for a woman cannot be emphasized more upon. It is a necessity for blood production and there are important changes in the body like the onset of menopause or perimenopause. This comes with the associated risk of iron deficiency and anemia.
Food items with high levels of iron are nuts, legumes, beans, fortified grains and leafy vegetables. For better consumption of iron in the body it’s best taken with Vitamin C.
2- Protein
Protein is the building cells of the body, they are responsible for building, repairing, and maintaining muscles, besides this, they also maintain balance and mobility.
After the forties, lack of exercise decreases muscle mass, therefore eating protein-rich food becomes important, for example, dairy products like milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs and other food items like beans, lentils, etc.
3- Calcium
For reducing bone health, calcium is a must. Women are at a higher risk of developing the disease due to the effect of menopause on the bone density of the body. Calcium strengthens the body at all times and it is also needed for the proper functioning of our heart, muscles and nerves. For calcium, food items like ragi, sesame seeds, vegetables & dairy should be consumed.
4- Vitamin D
The basic source of Vitamin D is good sunshine. It is responsible for bone health, improves immunity and also helps in enhancing mood.
Vitamin D is known to be one of the most integral nutrients after the forties. Vitamin D is also responsible for the absorption of calcium in the body.
Food products like mushrooms, fish, egg yolk, cereals and fortified grains have the nutrient as well.
5- Vitamin B
The nutrient is important for smooth functioning of the cellular & organ systems. The most common source is legumes and leafy vegetables.
Therefore, for a healthy lifestyle it is important to consume proper nutrients, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly & routine check-ups during this phase is also necessary.