Here’s Why You Should definitely Incorporate Muskmelon in your Diet During Summer
By Nmami Life Editorial 30-May 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

A superfruit that can be your savior in summers and should be on your eat-daily list as well- muskmelon.
Also known cantaloupes, musk melons are variable from green to dark orange, soft and juicy and perfectly capable of providing you with the much-needed hydration in the heat. Packed with beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium, vitamins C and A, musk melon not only helps you stay healthy but is also great for your skin and hair.
Few benefits of the fruit are listed below:
- Anti-aging agent
The refreshing fruit helps you combat free radicals in the body which damages the skin and are responsible for causing premature aging. You can also apply the juice of the fruit as a lotion to treat skin problems like burns and abrasions or add the juice to your face mask to put wrinkles at a bay.
- Improves vision
High in vitamin A and beta carotene, research shows regular consumption of foods like musk melon can reduce the risk of developing cataracts by almost 40 percent.
- Skin-friendly
Cantaloupe, or muskmelon, can do wonders to your skin as well. It is loaded with skin-friendly collagen that helps keep the skin tissues tight and prevents it from withering. The vitamin C rich fruit also adds a natural glow to your skin.
- Enhances immunity
Muskmelon’s rich concentration of vitamin C makes it perfect to have for strong immunity. Good amount of vitamin A, beta-carotene, and phytochemicals help work against disease causing free radicals. Vitamin C also stimulates the production of protective white blood cells, which saves you from bacteria, viruses, and other toxic substances that could make home into your system.
- Controls your blood pressure
The significant mineral, potassium is present in maintaining proper electrolyte balance in your body. It assists in enhancing blood flow in the body and keeps your blood pressure level in check. A healthy balance of blood pressure keeps the risk of a stroke and various heart diseases low.
- Keeps the body hydrated
The water content in muskmelon keeps the body hydrated while keeping you away from problems like low energy and fainting. Eating muskmelons is one of the best ways to beat the scorching sun in summers.
- Low in calories
Muskmelon is one of the most loved summer fruits because of its high water content and low-calorie content. Almost 90 percent of the delicious fruit is just water which helps keep your body rejuvenated through the scorching summer without adding on too many calories to your diet.
Over to you
As luscious and refreshing it tastes, muskmelon can be enjoyed in salads, in juices or simply making smoothies or ice lollies. Have a dose of this wonderful fruit every day to reap its amazing benefits. Due to its high water content, it makes a great meal option. Abundantly available in the summer, it can keep you satiated for a long time.