Hot Cuppa of Tea A Day Keeps the Winter Woes at Bay
By Nmami Agarwal 06-Jan 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Benefits of Drinking Tea
During the cold, harsh weather of winters, our human body is more prone to flu and cold. Tea can work as a great choice for winters due to its immense benefits like a better immunity system, weight loss, and keeping you energized & charged throughout the day without much caffeine. It works as a great stress reliever too.
Tea is always associated with comfort, warmth, and metabolism. Tea acts as a great fat oxidizer, and consists of stimulants that are responsible for inducing alertness, and wakefulness while also elevating our mood. Tea is also a great addition to the diets of people suffering from heart diseases, diabetes, or problems occurring from an unhealthy lifestyle.
Best types of Tea
Here are some of the teas which can bring you immense benefits-
Turmeric Tea
Turmeric has been one of the most talked-about ingredients during the pandemic. Due to its immunity-boosting trait and anti-inflammatory properties it is one of the best teas to try this winter.
Basil Tea
Also known as Tulsi, the herbal tea is known for its anti-inflammatory properties too, it consists of phytonutrients (phytonutrients are beneficial for health and prevent various diseases) and can be a great choice to keep touches of flu away.
Ashwagandha Tea
One of the best choices out there, since it acts as an anxiety reliever and helps in stabilizing blood sugar. It is a great immunity booster.
Chamomile Tea
This is perfect to get rid of the seasonal depression and the feeling of lowness. It is good for the nerves and helps in the relaxation of the mind. Chamomile is also known to be great for dark circles and inflammation.
Ginger Tea
Ginger tea has many benefits including stimulation of blood circulation, getting rid of sore throats, and even subsiding cough. They work as great relaxants and are good for the digestive system as well. Ginger tea works wonders on immunity as well.
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint is known to be great at removing any nauseous feeling or upset stomach. It is a great choice for the after-party scenes and a great addition for the holiday season.
Lavender Tea
This is the go-to tea for calming ourselves down. The tea works well against headaches and pain. It is good at countering any hangover, anxiety, and helps stabilize the mood & emotional health of a person. It is also good for the people who miss out on good sleep and want natural ways to treat any sleeping issues.
Tea has a great variety and has many benefits. They can act as great replacements for the sugary drinks we crave and are great for the body. Tea in winters can act as a great addition to counter lifestyle problems as well.