How to meet Calcium Requirement, if you do not eat Dairy?
By Nmami Agarwal 06-Mar 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Calcium is one of the most important which has multiple benefits and is required for maintaining general good health. Calcium deficit can invite many diseases that deteriorate your overall health. Now since we know that calcium is really important for maintaining good overall health it becomes clear that we need calcium in an adequate amount but how to meet this amount when we don’t consume first-grade calcium sources such as dairy products? Worry not, because today we’ll discuss calcium-rich alternatives.
Why is calcium important and how to maintain a healthy amount of calcium?
Calcium is needed for good bone and teeth health, 99 percent of your body’s calcium is stored in your bones and teeth. Until you reach older adulthood, your body is constantly rebuilding and strengthening your bones, requiring a regular intake of calcium. Calcium is also needed for carrying out continuous involuntary actions such as pumping of the heart, it keeps your cardiac muscles or also known as heart muscles pumping. Calcium is the element that acts as fuel for messages that are transmitted by your nerves meaning it fires cell signals that direct your muscles to contract and get you moving.
Calcium does all these functions which makes it a priority so if you don’t consume dairy how do you acquire adequate calcium?
Below mentioned are some rich sources of calcium:
- Sardines are exceptionally rich in calcium along with other important nutrients but make sure to check the label for sodium content, sodium can become toxic.
- Yogurt, made from milk and thus, just like milk it is also rich in calcium. Apart from calcium, it is also a good source of probiotics that we need to keep our digestive system healthy.
- Turnip and collard greens and kale all pack a calcium-rich punch.
- Beans are a great source of protein, they are also a good source of calcium, Garbanzo, kidney, navy, and even canned baked beans provide calcium; boiled green soybeans are another good option.
- Ragi, this millet humble is the best and an economical source of Calcium.
A general rule is followed for calcium requirements. Women under 50 need 1,000 milligrams (mg) daily; men under 71 also require 1,000 mg daily. Women older than 50 (and men older than 71) need more: Up your intake to 1,200 mg every day.
Over to you.
Calcium is really important for growth and development, calcium is also required to maintain good general health. Follow the above-mentioned health benefits of calcium and sources to get an adequate amount of calcium every day. It doesn’t matter if you consume dairy products or not, if you’re not getting an adequate amount of protein then it is highly recommended to incorporate these food items into your diet and get adequate calcium.