Incorporate these Winter foods in Your Diet to Maintain a Healthy Weight
By Amrit Singh 02-Dec 2020 Reading Time: 12 Mins

Winter is here and so are the big cozy sweaters and scarves to shield from the foggy mornings and chilly nights. But do you know the key to enjoy this season is a healthy diet. Yes, we do know that it feels like a herculean task to go out and work out in winters. But preparing a healthy meal at home to maintain a healthy weight cannot be that big of a task.
Are you aware that, more than 30% of the world’s population suffers from obesity and overweight. A healthy diet has become a primary solution to overcome the problem of obesity and overweight. According to Grand View Research, meals that contain the required protein quantity, fibers, and fewer carbohydrates are seen as an efficient way of weight management.
But before providing you with our secret diet to manage your weight, we should discuss
Why do we gain weight during the Winters?
There are numerous reasons as to why we gain weight especially in the winter season, but below are the common ones-
Irregular eating habits due to the cold climate- Due to the freezing climate in winters, the cold temperature when reacts with our body demands energy. This energy requirement is met by eating food, but sadly at irregular times.
Midnight hunger- Since the blood sugar level drops in the winter which needs to be fulfilled by eating. Most people eat calories and oily foods at dinner or just before bedtime prompting weight gain.
Lack of Vitamin D- The sunshine vitamin – Vitamin D is of utmost importance during the winter season. Vitamin D plays a vital role in the human body as it plays a part in protecting against heart failure, diabetes, and cancer. Studies suggest that lack of Vitamin D triggers obesity.
Lesser Water consumption- One of the reasons for weight gain during winters is less water consumption, as it becomes unwillingly cold, preventing us from drinking it. But it should be noted that low water consumption causes fatigue and carelessness along with weight gain.
Why Vitamins are Important?
To maintain a healthy weight, one needs to have a healthy body first and there is no denying the fact that vitamins are the ultimate source of nutrients to overall health. In fact, according to Grand View Research, rising health concerns and lack of a stable diet is creating a demand for vitamin supplements simultaneously creating growth for the weight management industry.
Let’s dig down some of these vitamins which are of vital importance in winters.
Vitamin C | It enhances immunity because of its antioxidant property. It also improves the skin with its collagen-boosting property. |
Vitamin B | It can be also called a super vitamin as it is important for the growth of cells in the body. But there are different types of vitamin B and have different benefits. The most beneficial vitamin during winters is Vitamin B12 as it boosts energy and regulates the nervous system. |
Vitamin D | Vitamin D deficiency is most common during winters. Your body produces Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight but due to lack of sunlight and during winters it becomes hard for the body to produce Vitamin D. |
Vitamin A | Also known as retinol, this vitamin is primarily famous for its vision and skin improving property and at the same time, it boosts the immune system. Besides a recent study states that it supports weight loss specifically as the weather gets colder. |
Vitamin E | This vitamin is a strong antioxidant that improves the immune system and plays numerous roles in the body and is said to assist with a wide variety of diseases and the ageing process. |
OK, now since we have discussed what vitamins are important to stay fit during winters.
Let’s glance at the sources of these vitamins.
Vitamins | Where it can be found |
Vitamin C | Citrus fruits, Leafy greens, Cranberries |
Vitamin B12 | Fish, Meat, Eggs, Milk Products |
Vitamin D | Vitamin D Fortified ready-to-eat cereals, Fish, Eggs, Dairy Products |
Vitamin A | Carrots, Sweet potatoes, Leafy green vegetables, Dairy products, Eggs |
Vitamin E | Nuts, Whole grain products, Tamarind |
Now that you have an understanding of the nutrients and vitamins required during winters.
Here are some important foods you should incorporate in your diet to maintain a healthy weight during this winter season:
- Eggs :
- Chicken Soup :
- Dates :
- Sweet Potatoes :
- Citrus Fruits :
- Herbal Tea :
- Green Vegetables :
Eggs are a superior source of proteins and have essential amino acids along with Vitamin B12. Moreover, eggs boost brains cell, stabilizes blood sugar, and are a good source of anti-oxidants. It is one of the best foods to include in your winter diet to maintain that healthy weight.
It won’t be an overstatement to call soup winter’s best food, besides it is one of the most common sources of protein. In addition, consuming a heavy protein meal tricks the brain into thinking you have eaten more than should have. With this feeling, one is less likely to unhealthy binging.
Dates are packets of nutrition which are useful for individuals who prefer to keep themselves fit. The low-fat quality of dates keeps your weight in check and delivers vital nutrients to the body at the same time. Daily consumption of dates keeps your body warm, making it the perfect choice for winters.
Important: Apart from a proper diet for proper weight maintenance, drinking sufficient amounts of water is very necessary. Our body can suffer from dehydration during winters as we sweat less and feel less thirsty. It is recommended to drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily even in winters to prevent weight gain and dehydration.
Sweet potatoes are low in calories and rich in nutrients, fiber, and Vitamin A which helps maintain that healthy weight during winters. Also, on the glycemic index scale, they are much lower than white potatoes, thus don’t trigger blood sugar sharply, leading to fewer carb cravings. It is also helpful in constipation recovery, digestive enhancement, and inflammatory control.
During winter, many citrus fruits particularly oranges are in season and should be included in your diet. Citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, and grapes are high in vitamin C and are beneficial for the skin and metabolism. Fruits such as oranges and grapes rich sources of Vitamin C are soothing, which can aid in the prevention of eating stress, reducing the likelihood of weight gain during winter months.
Herbal tea is extremely beneficial particularly in winters as the herbs and spices used in herbal tea are warm in nature. Herbal tea is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins. It cures indigestion, inflammation. Moreover, it improves your metabolism and promotes fat oxidation in the body.
An ideal addition to your winter diet is green vegetables such as spinach. Spinach, which is rich in vitamins A and C, is an anti-oxidant. Green vegetables are low in calories, very filling, and rich in fiber. Almost all green vegetables purify the blood and stimulate an increase in energy levels, which governs vital functions in the body that are necessary for weight management.
Over to You:
Adopting the mentioned foods in your winter diet will surely help you enjoy this winter season without having to deal with extra kilos of weight once the season is over. But do remember, a well planned and balanced diet is a great way to maintain a healthy weight not just in winters but in every season.