Know about TLC Diet to Lower High Cholesterol Levels
By Tamanna 05-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

The TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes) diet can help lower cholesterol and the risk of heart diseases and strokes. It is one of the heart-healthy diets. The pattern involves eating less fat and also changes the types of fat that one consumes.
When levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) are increased, the chances of heart diseases also increase. The TLC programme allows lowering these levels and aims to raise those good HDL levels.
How does TLC diet work?
It focuses on the food items that are naturally low in cholesterol and saturated fat but they are high in “good fats- monounsaturated fats”. This diet is good in fibre content as well.
Some points to remember in this program are:
- Take less than 7% calories from saturated fats out of the total calories such as butter and fat found in dairy products. These saturated fats are reduced and limited in the diet as it elevates the cholesterol. It can be done by limiting the amount of meat and milk products that one eats. Choosing low fat products are beneficial as most of the animal fat in the diet is replaced by monounsaturated oils such as canola and peanut oil.
- Second, take less than 200mg of dietary cholesterol on a daily basis which is found in egg yolks, poultry and dairy products.
- Almost 25-35% daily calories are obtained from the unsaturated fats such as peanut, canola. Sunflower oils.
- Foods containing Trans fats are to avoid that include crackers, cookies and packaged snacks.
- Consume approximately 15% of the total calories from protein in the diet. These can be obtained from beans, lentils and seeds.
- There should be at least 5- 10 grams of soluble fiber a day.
- Carbohydrates cover about 50-60% of the total calories. Beans, quinoa, fruits, lentils and vegetables are all sources of carbohydrates.
- Total calories are maintained by balancing the calories taken in and calories burned to reach at a healthy weight.
This diet helps to lower the cholesterol especially among the people whose levels are high because of the fatty food they consume. The change in diet affects the cholesterol levels among people at different rates. It is usually the first step to lower the cholesterol before starting the medications.
This programme has three parts that include diet, exercise and weight control. All three components are important to lower cholesterol. Physical activity such as bicycling, brisk walking, dancing and gardening should all be included in daily routine. To maintain the weight eat fruits and vegetables more and eat frequent meals without skipping meals.
Diet Recommendations:
- Eggs- are generally restricted in the diet as it contains more cholesterol but egg whites can be consumed.
- Two to three types of fruits a day that can include apple, guava, pomegranate and other fruits.
- Three to five servings of different vegetables a day including leafy greens and raw vegetables.
- Not more than 6 servings grains, cereals, pasta and rice in all a day.
Over to you:
TLC is a balanced diet plan that involves changing your habits for a long run. The focus of the diet is to minimize cholesterol to keep the arteries clear and optimize heart health. Maintain a healthy diet along with exercise and healthy weight to keep your heart strong!