March 2: Food as Medicine: What it Means and How to Gain the Maximum Benefits
By Nmami Agarwal 02-Mar 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

What it means –
We all know that diet plays an important role in daily life as energy to work comes from it. The idea of food as medicine is a philosophy that public advocates have bolstered through countless nutrition programs to uplift the standard of living. Many eating styles influence disease prevention, quality of life, health, and longevity. It is a commonly known fact that chronic diseases like diabetes are preventable by routine physical activity and a well-managed diet. What you eat has an impact on your overall health. It may offer strong medicinal and protective measures or trigger food reactions and health conditions.
Unhealthy food choices increase the risk of contracting diseases –Sugary foods, refined oil and grains, and fast food, in general, are responsible for developing conditions like obesity, diabetes, and even heart diseases. Processed foods harm our gut bacteria, induce chronic inflammation, and make us more prone to various diseases.
Nutritious diets, on the other hand, are beneficial in improving and strengthening your health. Few diets have proven to show effects on improving neurodegenerative conditions, heart diseases, diabetes, and even the prevention of cancer. It may also help revert certain health conditions like coronary artery disease and depression.
Beneficial Effects of Food :
Protective foods – Substances that are responsible for health improvement
1- Vitamins and minerals – Lacking in these often lead to deficiency diseases and immune dysfunction, increasing chances of contracting diseases.
2- Plant compounds – Antioxidants, flavonoids, and polyphenols that prevent cell damage that leads to the development of diseases.
3- Protein and healthy fats – Important for growth and repair along with regulation of the body’s vital activities.
Here are some food items with powerful medicinal qualities –
1- Cruciferous vegetables – Kale, broccoli, and cauliflower contain a wide array of antioxidants responsible for cell repair and maintenance. Taking such vegetables will help decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases, boost metabolism and immune system and help increase the standard of general body health.
2- Fatty fish– Salmon and sardines which are commonly available fatty fishes are extremely necessary to prevent inflammation in our body. These fishes contain high levels of omega 3 fatty acids which prevent any risks associated with swelling and inflammation of cell layers.
3- Spices – Turmeric, ginger, cloves, garlic, cinnamon, cardamom, and many other spices, are packed with beneficial plant compounds that help with conditions like arthritis and metabolic syndrome. They are also rich in antioxidants and are often included in the diet of individuals suffering from cancer.
4- Mushrooms – Compounds present in mushrooms have been proven to improve our immune system, functioning of our heart and brain, as well as lower many disease risks that may develop into chronic conditions.
Food is important to provide fuel for our daily activities but it may also promote our health depending on the portions we eat. It is also important to keep in mind that excess may cause harm to us instead.