Nutritious Nutty Facts for Better Health
By Nmami Life Editorial 20-Jan 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Garnished over smoothies, stuffed in muffins and breads, blended in shakes, or simply sprinkled over salads, nuts are a nutritional powerhouse and serve as a great snack option.
They may have received a bad rap through years before we really understood the difference between “good” fat and “bad” fat, but these days, it’s pretty clear that nuts are an inevitable part of a healthy diet.
Not only do the unsaturated fatty acids, fiber and protein nuts help lower high cholesterol, reduce blood clots (which lead to heart attacks), and improve the lining of our arteries, they also keep us full for longer periods of time, and provide a good dose of Omegas-3 fatty acids.
As part of a healthy diet, nuts may be beneficial in reducing the risk of certain diseases. Keep reading to know some super cool facts that might just make you the most interesting person in the room:
- Cashews are actually fruit too and raw unsalted are often used in curries and vegan recipes. Raw one serving (or 28 grams) cashews contain approximately 5 grams of protein and 1 grams of fibre, whereas the fat content is little higher i.e. 12 grams but also includes Vitamin E, K and B-6. If consumed in a balanced way, cashews contain ‘good’ fat which prevents the risk of stroke and heart disease.
- The oldest known tree food is walnut— they date all the way back to 10,000 BC. A handful or 28 grams of walnuts is a powerhouse of important nutrients for optimum health as it is an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the plant-based omega-3 fatty acid (2.5grams) – the most ALA of any other tree nut. It provides a dose of 4 grams of protein, 2 grams of fiber and a good source of magnesium (45mg).
- This nut, pistachio is known as the “smiling nut” in Iran and the “happy nut” in China. It is rich in Vitamin B6 and a serving of 28 grams contains 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of fibre. Pistachios are also high in antioxidants and low in calories.
- Almonds are highly nutritious and rich in healthy fats and are also among the world’s popular tree nuts. A serving of about 28 grams of almonds contain 3.5 grams of fibre, six grams of protein and good amount of phosphorus, copper and Vitamin B2. (riboflavin).
How to include nuts in the diet:
Sprinkle chopped nuts on salads, soups, stews, smoothies, vegetables, in dips, or as part of mixed dishes.
Word of caution: It is recommended to incorporate handful of nuts in healthy recipes regularly and also to include some kind of physical activity in your routine.
Over to you
I hope soon you become a fan of nuts in all forms. Store nuts in the refrigerator or keep it in a cool and dry place so they stay fresh. And start to think of nuts as part of an everyday healthy eating plan – not just for special occasions.