Pro Tips for Healthy Weight Gain
By Nmami Life Editorial 31-Aug 2021 Reading Time: 6 Mins

In the recent past, while obesity turns out to be a noteworthy health risk for many people, being underweight is also becoming a cause for many health problems. When it comes to gaining weight, people always remain confused about what method is safe and what is not. And why not! The food-obsessed internet is stuffed with a lot of myths and misconceptions and the bombardment of weight loss trends, diet pills, and detoxes often create confusion in the mind of those who wish to gain weight.
To make yourself fit and healthy, welcoming the correct way of weight gaining is a prerequisite. There are various ways by which you can gain weight but a dull and dusted method can give you long-term effects on your health. We bring you certain pointers that will definitely help you in gaining weight safely and healthily. No, eating fatty foods won’t lead to weight gain! We bring you a little step by step guide that will make you super healthy with accurate weight gain.
What is a healthy weight?
In recent years, a lot of studies suggest that a healthy weight can be measured by the body mass index (BMI) –by calculating your height and your weight. But many researchers said that this can be problematic because this method does not consider the density of muscle and bone.
Nowadays, people follow several more ways to measure the composition of their body like equating their height or testing their body fat percentage.
Here are some healthy ways by which you can gain weight.
- Weight training is a must: If you want a healthy weight gain then exercising right is the way to go. If you are planning to gain weight then weight training at least three times a week is a prerequisite. Weight training not only fosters the process of weight gaining but it also helps in maintaining lean muscle mass for a longer period of time. You can also vary your workout as per your needs. You can add various weight lifting exercises like deadlifts, squats, bench presses and many more for effective results. Try not to push too much if you are a beginner.
- Eat enough protein: You have heard a lot that a diet rich in protein will help in muscle growth like nothing else. Regular weight training is nothing without a great quantity of protein. Consuming 0.8–2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is mandatory to increase a person’s muscle mass. A healthy weight gain can only be done through a proper diet. Include foods like eggs, meats, fish, nuts, and legumes in your diet.
- Eat meals with fibrous carbohydrates and healthful fats: Adding foods that are rich in fibre, healthy carbohydrates and fats are quite important to gain weight. This type of meal helps in increasing the number of calories and nutrients in the diet. Not only this, it will give you instant energy to hit back your regular exercise regime which further assists you in growing muscle. Add whole-food sources like brown rice, beans, quinoa, oatmeal rather than sticking to refined and processed sources.
- Hydration with high-calorie smoothies: People who generally stick to a small appetite should consume a high-calorie shake or smoothie to gain weight quickly. Smoothies are rich in fibre and can give you nutrient-dense calories without making you overly full.
You can include the following ingredients in your smoothies
- Nut butter
- Fruits
- Milk
- Yoghurt
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Greens (spinach, broccoli)
Being underweight can destroy your overall health and also take you through the path of various health problems, so gaining weight is extremely important. Putting on healthy weight from a well-balanced diet, weight training is even more ubiquitous than this. So, focus on healthy weight and make yourself.