Save your Vision at Workplace with these 7 Tried and Tested methods
By Nmami Agarwal 15-Mar 2020 Reading Time: 9 Mins

Working all day long continuously on screens can make it difficult for your eyes to focus and refocus all the time. Unlike a book or a piece of paper, the screens of your computer or mobile phones tend to add glare, contrast and require a lot of effort of your eye muscles to perform its function. As one generally blinks less when working on a computer which results in drying out your eyes, blurred vision, watery eyes periodically while working. Computer work gets really difficult as you aged and causes the natural lens in your eyes to become less flexible. A few and quick simple methods can improve your digital eye strain symptoms.
Exercise your eyes: Generally, many of the jobs entail constantly staring at a computer long hours of your day. Therefore, you have to deal with the side effects of your eye including eye strain, headaches, redness in eyes and fatigue. For centuries it is believed that eye exercises are a natural cure for good eyesight. When your eyes get irritated at work due to long hours of working, then eye exercises help with eye comfort, recover from headaches, strengthens your eye muscles, eliminate the risk of glaucoma (damage in the optic nerve which is caused due to high pressure in the eyes) get relieved from eye strain and can help your eyes feel better. Try doing warming up exercises by rubbing the palms of your hands together and place them over your eyes for at least five to ten seconds. Your warm hands will relax your eye muscles and you will feel instant relaxation and help to focus without any struggle, repeat it for about three times a day. Rotate your eyes from the right corner to left, this will be an effective eye movement for healthy eyes and remain active from a hard day of working in an office.
20,20,20 Rule: Due to a long day of working, your eyes experience some problems like burning sensation in eyes, tiredness in eyes, watery, itchy or eye strain conditions. To avoid these kinds of problems there is a trick called 20-20-20 rule, wherein a person takes the twenty-second break from looking at the computer screen by setting a reminder for every interval of twenty minutes. While taking a break the person focuses on an object other than screens such as focusing on a tree or lamp post which helps in relaxation of your eye muscles. Twenty-twenty twenty rule has been proved by scientists as an effective way to reduce one’s strain on the eyes.
Much on carrots: This crunchy vegetable is a superfood for your eyes. Carrots are a rich source of antioxidants named as beta-carotene and lutein and also in zinc and Vitamin A that is essential for night and color vision and improves eyesight. As deficiency of Vitamin A can lead to poor vision and even night blindness. Incorporate this magic eye food and eat them raw as a salad or snack or with your meals as apart from improving your vision carrots helps in maintaining digestive health, good for your heart, skin and overall health.
Get some rest: Office tasks are usually performed through regular use of computers and involve consistent working on these digital screens. This involves a reduction in the number of breaks taken while working which increases the risks of the eye to become strained and due to this chances of viewing images or characters that are small becomes unclear or blurred, watery eyes, itchiness and conditions for dry eyes occur. So, to allow your eyes to recover and bring focus on seeing distant objects it is advisable to take frequent small breaks while working or fifteen minutes break after working continuously for two hours on computers. This will help in reducing work-related stress issues as well as any headaches.
Use anti glares: Anti Glares is the anti-reflective coating that is applied to the lens of your eyeglasses and this coating reduces the amount of glare that reflects off your lens. Use of anti-glare lens on your eyeglasses while working on computers helps to reduce strain in eyes to focus, fatigue and clear vision. Anti-glares are very popular among office workers who have to sit on computer screens for long hours of working and are prescription glass as it is recommended by many eye specialists so that your eyes can see better.
Wash your eyes: If your eyes often feel dry, blurry or tired then washing your eyes helps in lubricating your eyeballs and splashes of water help in keeping your eyes feel cool and refreshed. Computer screen time or air conditioners at workplaces affect your eye surface and can cause damage to it due to dust particles, smoke, eye strain, uncomfortable and irritation in your eyes. Thus, maintain your eyes by washing often and soothe and clean your eyes. Also, drinking water will help your body and eyes to keep them hydrated.
Blink more: As per research, an average person blinks fifteen to twenty times per minute or for about twelve hundred times per hour. Like any other muscle, your eyes also need proper exercise to keep them healthy. Blinking helps in keeping the eyes to focus effectively without any struggle, keep your eyes fresh, relaxes your eye muscles, nourishes your eyes and eases out the strain on your vision. Try to Blink ten to fifteen times quickly while taking twenty-second breaks every minute. Repeat this eye movement for five times in a day for desired results.
Over to you
In addition to applying these tried and tested tips for your vision improvement while working at your workplace, you can have regular eye tests to check your eyesight and treat and detect problems before any noticeable symptom begins. So, open a new window for yourself and improve your eye health without blocking your work hours and enjoying your work.