Summery Punch: Keep your Body Ready for Summer
By Nmami Life Editorial 13-May 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

The blazing heat and sweaty summer are here! As the temperature rises, we all change and modify our skincare routines and switch to light fabrics but we often forget to change our diets and lifestyle to coolly and calmly enjoy the summery weather. Obviously, a healthy and well-balanced diet is a pre-requisite to make your body ready for summer but some here and there changes in the lifestyle can tranquil you while making you fine-tune to the increasing humidity. Here, we bring you some of the tips that will help you in keeping you productive and cool even on the hottest days. Adding these tips to your lifestyle will definitely make you all hale and hearty.
So, prepare your body for the summer season by incorporating these tips in your lifestyle.
- Eat right and light: Right and light meals is the first and foremost step to keep yourself in fine fettle. A healthy, well-balanced and light diet ensures you get all the nutrients and it doesn’t burden your stomach with unnecessary sugar, oil or any other negative calories that can make you dull and tired during the summer season. Add plenty of fruits and veggies in your diet as they are juicy and light and is filled with crucial nutrients that help the body keep going during summertime. You can add cucumber, watermelon, kiwi, apples, oranges, yoghurt in your diet to energise and refresh yourself. Cut out the packaged and processed foods from your diet as these food items are filled with bad carbohydrates. Do not cut out any nutrient from your diet without knowing its value and never starve yourself as it only increases the risk of various health ailments.
- Hydration is the key: Sweating is the primary thing that comes with the summer season. Proper hydration fills you up with great energy and flushes out the toxins from your body which is extremely beneficial for your overall health and well-being. Drinking 2.5-3 litres of water is a must but in addition to it, you can also add smoothies, home-made buttermilk and coconut water in your diet to keep yourself hydrated and fresh.
- Start exercising: People create bubbles of thoughts in their mind that exercising juice up their energy levels. But the truth is, nothing can ever beat the effect and freshness you get from a workout. It will charge you up, make you fresh and fills you up with positivity. Get up from your bed and indulge yourself in 30-45 minutes of workout routine to make yourself all energetic. You can do aerobics, skipping, Zumba workout, yoga and meditation to benefit your physical, mental and emotional health.
- Proper rest and quality sleep: Almost half of the problems start in the body when you are sleep deprived. A night of good sleep not only disturbs your mind but it also takes you closer to various health ailments. It juices up all your energy levels while making you passive and hampering the functioning of your brain. Sleep deprivation can negatively affect your body while making you all dull and tired. 8 hours of sleep at night is vital.
Add these pointers in your lifestyle to keep yourself in good shape and to make your body cool and happy during the summertime.