Therapeutic Benefits of Nutrition for Thyroid Disorders
By Nmami Agarwal 20-Apr 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland in your neck. The endocrine gland is a component of the endocrine system. The endocrine system is a set of glands that is responsible for the secretion of hormones that regulate the activity of cells or organs. This system consists of several glands such as the pituitary gland, pancreas, pineal gland, ovaries, testes, and a few other glands. The thyroid gland is one such element of this system. Now try to understand what a gland is. A gland is an organ that produces and releases hormones that have an assigned role in the functioning of the human body.
So, where exactly is the thyroid gland positioned in the body and what is it responsible for? This gland lies in the front side of the neck just below Adam’s apple. It has two lobes, right lobe and left lobe that is placed on either side of the windpipe. The thyroid gland mainly secretes two hormones, thyroxine, and triiodothyronine. These hormones are accountable for the effective functioning of cells and tissues in the body. Its main task is to regulate the body’s metabolism.
Some common thyroid disorders are hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, and goiter.
These are a few reasons that can cause thyroid disorders:
- Hormones i.e. thyroxine is released in excess (hyperthyroidism)
- Reduced level of thyroxine (hypothyroidism)
- Iodine deficiency
- Nodules or cancerous tumor on the thyroid gland
- Genetic disorder
Today we are here to talk to you about the therapeutic benefits of nutrition for thyroid disorders. These are some nutritional factors that can optimize the thyroid function:
- Iodine: Iodine deficiency is a major reason for thyroid disorders. It is very common and affects almost half the world’s population. Consumption of iodine is necessary for a healthy functioning thyroid. But it is also important to check on the level of iodine you are putting in the body. Excess amounts of iodine can also damage the thyroid gland. Its dietary requirements can be fulfilled by consuming salt that’s fortified with iodine.
- Selenium: Low level of selenium in the body is linked to a variety of thyroid disorders. It is an essential element that helps in the production of hormones. It even boosts the immune system. Legumes, eggs, chicken, meat, and seafood such as shrimp and tuna are rich in selenium.
- Zinc: One of the most important minerals that serve various purposes in the human body. Zinc is responsible for speeding up metabolism and improves thyroid health. Food items such as poultry, lean meat, nuts, seeds, and dairy products are a good source of zinc.
- Reduce your caffeine intake: Caffeine is a powerful stimulant and can exhaust your adrenal glands. It increases blood sugar levels, causing a total imbalance in the body.
- Watch those fibers: Consumption of fibers ensures better digestion and a healthy working bowel. It even improves your heart health, makes us feel full and aids in losing weight. Eating beans, whole grains, and nuts can improve your fiber intake. Fruits such as bananas, oranges, and apples are also rich in fibers.
Thyroid disorders are very common among people today. Improving and enhancing the functioning of the thyroid gland is necessary to prevent any disorders. Consult your doctor and build a personalized diet plan that suits you.