Ultimate Wedding Countdown- Pre Bridal Hair Care Tips
By Nmami Life Editorial 02-Oct 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

While giving entire attention to various things before the D-day, brides-to-be often forget to pay attention to one of the most crucial thing- skin and hair. Harsh salon treatments and usage of various styling products can completely destroy the hair health and therefore pampering your hair right can make you look more gorgeous on your wedding day. To make sure that you flaunt your smooth and shiny locks while walking through the aisle, we bring you some of the important hair care tips that you should definitely abide by.
- Regular trimming: Regular trimming is extremely important to get rid of the dull hair and split ends that can affect your overall look. As per experts, no matter what your hair type is, you must trim your hair. Hair trimming can also reduce the breakage of hair while making your hair healthy and shinier.
- Deep conditioning: Deep conditioning with the natural home-made packs is one of the great ways to nourish your hair while adding lustre to them. Egg and yoghurt mask is great to provide the much-needed protein to your hair. All you have to do is mix them together and apply it on your hair for 20—30 minutes and then wash off. It helps in the deep nourishment and helps in natural rejuvenation.
- Say bye-bye to chemicals: Make sure to start using less chemical-filled hair care items or styling products as it can damage your hair like nothing else. Using natural home-made masks, shampoo, conditioners is a versatile way to add shine, volume and lustre to your hair. You can also use fruit packs on your hair to reduce any hair fall or any other damages.
- Oiling is a must: Oiling is one of the old and gold ways to bid adieu to dull hair. A nice and deep oil massage is a solution to every hair problems. From damage locks to stress- oil massages can do wonders on everything while giving you super shiny and voluminous tresses. You can use coconut oil or any other home-made oil for oil massage. Massage your scalp for about 10-15 minutes twice a week and leave it overnight. Wash off the next day.
- Shampoo less: Excess usage of shampoo can take away the nourishment from your hair while leaving them dehydrated. Using shampoo on your hair twice a week is considered good. Always choose mild shampoo to avoid any damage, dullness and dryness to the hair.
A proper diet is extremely important in order to make your tresses happy and healthy. Prepare yourself for your special day by adding the above-written tips in your schedule. Make sure to avoid any harmful treatments before the wedding.