Vital Medical Tests for Diabetes That One Should Undergo
By Nmami Agarwal 29-Nov 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Diabetes is becoming quite a common disease not only in adults but in children too. Diabetes is associated with risks for many health problems. It can harm your eyes, kidneys, feet, gums, skin, heart, and many more. The damage can start even before you notice any symptoms. Medical tests often can catch symptoms early and reduce their adverse health effects. This way your doctor can start treatment before small problems become serious health concerns. Read on to see what tests might help you to treat better.
- A1C Test: This key blood test shows your average blood sugar level for the past three months. It helps you and your doctors manage your condition well and figure out your treatment plan. You should probably get this test done at least twice a year. You will get the test results as a percentage. Here, the goal is to keep the percentage low. A higher percentage means higher blood sugar levels. For people with diabetes, an ideal A1C is below 7%. For each 1% drop in your A1C number, your risk of eye, kidney, or nerve problems fall by 40%.
- FBS Test (Fasting blood sugar): Fasting blood sugar test comprises taking blood after fasting for a whole night. The person who has to get this test done should fast for at least 8-12 hours before undergoing this test. If the sugar level in the blood is less than 100 mg/dl then your condition is completely normal. If your result ranges from 100-125 mg/dl indicates that you are in the stage of pre-diabetes. If your result equals 126 mg/dl or more then it is clear that you are suffering from diabetes and require immediate medical attention under the doctor’s supervision.
- Eye Examination: When your blood has a high level of sugar, it can cause microvascular damage. It is deeply advised that you must undergo diabetic eye examinations at least once a year. This will help you in identifying the signs of diabetes beforehand and prevent further effects.
- Blood Pressure Checks: Diabetes makes you more prone to have high blood pressure, which can put you at increased risk for stroke and heart attack. Get your blood pressure checked every time you see your primary care doctor and be extra cautious.
- Cholesterol Test: Because having diabetes increases your risk of heart disease, it is very important to have a blood test to check your cholesterol levels as part of your annual exam or more frequently if your cholesterol levels are way too high.
- Dental Examination: Gum disease is a lesser-known complication of diabetes but is very common. When it is serious, it can make it harder for you to control your blood sugar and cause infections and other health problems. See your dentist for a regular cleaning every six months and stay on top of your dental health with self-care like flossing and brushing daily properly.
Over to you:
Diabetes needs to be controlled properly. Keep your tests updated from time to time and do not miss on your health. Consult your doctor, if you have any health concerns. After all, health is wealth!