What is Double Fortified Salt (DFS) and Its Health Impact
By Nmami Life Editorial 01-Jun 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Double fortified salt (DFS) contains vital quantities of both Iodine and iron and is a great staple to fulfil the quantities of these important micro-nutrients in the body. DFS helps in tackling the deficiency of iodine and iron in the human body. As per the researches, “DFS is intended to provide 100% of daily dietary iodine requirement and 30 to 60% of daily dietary iron requirement in the body.” The key feature of this salt i.e. “twofold fortification of iodine and iron” is a significant way to combat the deficits of iodine and iron while reducing the risks of various health ailments like goitre, anaemia, bad cognitive health and many others that prevail due to the dearth of these nutrients in the body.
DFS and the fortification of Iodine and iron
DFS was first introduced by India’s National Institute of Nutrition and is a feasible and cost-effective way to strengthen the quantities of iron and iodine in the body and thereby reducing the risk of anaemia and iron deficiency disorders (IDD) like hypothyroidism, low cognitive health, intellectual disability and diminished hearing and speech. As stated by the National Institute of Nutrition, “Double fortified salt was prepared with various formulations of iodine added as potassium iodate and iron added as ferrous sulphate, encapsulated with hydrogenated vegetable oil.”
Due to the deficiency of iodine in the diet, a total of at least 9 million pregnant women and 8 million new-born babies get more prone to various iodine deficiency disorders in India. The health ailments or disorders that come with the deficiency of iodine are interconnected to iodine-deficient soil and various factors like flooding and deforestation filter the iodine from the topsoil. This, in turn, creates a shortage of iodine in the soil and further leads to the deficiency of iodine in the food staples and diet. DFS has been recognised as a cost-less yet effective approach to provide the human body with a much-needed dose of iodine with the addition of iron and it can easily be consumed regularly.
Health impacts of DFS
The micronutrients found in Double-fortified salt are extremely beneficial for women, youngsters and new-born babies. Plenty of people (especially women age between 15-49 years and children age between 6-52 months) around the world suffer from anaemia every year. DFS delivers vital amounts of iodine and iron and ensure successful brain development, reduce the risk of anaemia, increase the levels of haemoglobin in the body, enhance energy levels, boost cognitive health and maintain better, improved, healthier and more productive lives.
Moreover, it is said that mixing double fortified salt at the final stage of food preparation can escalate the bioavailability of micro-nutrients in the meal and hence provides the maximum health benefits. To decrease the hazards of Iodine Deficiency Disorders and low anaemia, it is important to use DFS in every meal you eat.
The high quantities of iodine and iron found in DFS are extremely beneficial for the body and abiding by the consumption of this salt can fulfil the quantities of micronutrients in your body and lower down the risks of health ailments associated with it. Try to incorporate the portions of this salt in every meal you eat to enhance the nutritional profile.