Orange and Ginger Drink

By      27-Aug 2022       Reading Time: 2 Mins

Orange and Ginger Drink

The Orange and Ginger Drink is a refreshing, zesty beverage that combines the bright, citrusy flavor of fresh orange juice with the spicy warmth of freshly grated ginger. A touch of lemon juice adds a hint of tartness, while the water helps to balance the flavors and create a thirst-quenching drink. Served chilled over ice, it’s perfect for a revitalizing boost on a warm day.

For a Serving Size of Two:


  • 200 ml fresh orange juice
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup water (120 ml)
  • Ice cubes


  • Grate the fresh ginger finely.
  • In a pitcher, combine the fresh orange juice, grated ginger, lemon juice, and water. Stir well.
  • Add ice cubes if desired and stir until well chilled.
  • Pour into glasses and serve immediately. You can garnish with a slice of orange or a lemon wedge if desired.

Nutritional Benefits:

  • The Orange and Ginger Drink is a refreshing, zesty beverage that combines the bright, citrusy flavor of fresh orange juice with the spicy warmth of freshly grated ginger. A touch of lemon juice adds a hint of tartness, while the water helps to balance the flavors and create a thirst-quenching drink. Served chilled over ice, it’s perfect for a revitalizing boost on a warm day.

    Nutritional Information:

  • Calories: 488 kcal
  • Protein: 30.7 g
  • Carbohydrates: 3.3 g
  • Fat: 39.3 g

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"At Nmami Life, the meaning of good health is a combination of nutrition and fitness, which are essential to your well-being."
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